Seeing Better and Systemic Change

Seeing Better and Systemic Change

In his wonderful new book Vincentian Meditations, Tom McKenna has a chapter on “seeing better.” He asks “what does standing under Vincent’s influence do to an individual?” And one response is that one can see better. That can mean many things but it might would...
Knowledge for Christian Service

Knowledge for Christian Service

Knowledge of Christ is what matters above all.  Those who know him receive in trust keys of authority to serve others faithfully and caringly. The Father, Lord of heaven and earth, gives to the childlike the knowledge he hides from those who are wise.  Peter is among...
Putting faith in action

Putting faith in action

 Dear Vincentian Brothers and Sisters:  Let us pray for the entire Vincentian Family around the world and pray for our priests, deacons, bishops, archbishops and Pope Francis.  We are truly blessed to have clergy and religious on our paths to holiness.  There are so...
Remembering the Lord

Remembering the Lord

In Kishwahili language of Africa, the Book of Deuteronomy in Bible is called “Kumbukumbu la Torati” which means “Remembering the Torah”. This name is very apt to this book because we find in it in many places there is a constant appeal to the Israelites to remember...