Vincentian Prayer Images: Long-term Solutions Worth It

by | Aug 4, 2020 | Formation, Reflections, Vincentian Family | 1 comment

Here is another in our series of “Praying Our Heritage.” The series illustrates quotes from key figures in the Vincentian Heritage.

Let the image and the quote sink in, and take root. These images might surprise you into prayer at various points in your day.

“Since progress on your establishment is slow you must be patient. In this world, things that of their nature must last longer are the ones that take the longest to develop.” St. Vincent de Paul (VII:235)

Immediate needs must be met!

Long-term solutions take time… but are worth working for!

For the more visually oriented among us, you don’t have to wait for the weekly image on Tuesday. You can browse for yourself. You can even search for images related to key words. Visit and search VinFormation’s database of prayer images.

We hope you will enjoy these time-release prayer capsules!

We would also welcome you sharing with all of us images that inspired you to prayer.

1 Comment

  1. Ross

    The experience of those who have worked for long-term solutions (see appears to confirm St. Vincent’s observation:

    Jack Murphy: “I would offer that systemic change has not run it’s course. It just takes a very long time.”

    Giulio Grecchi:

    “However, after many years of working very hard on all of this, we realize how much we have underestimated the effort and the time that it takes to make a real difference at the individual and at the community level. This work is often three steps forward and two steps backwards.”

    “So, let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up (Gal 6, 9). “The farmer waits for the precious crop from the earth, being patient with it until it receives the early and the late rains” (Jas 5, 7).