Vincentian Prayer Images: Can We Hear God’s Consoling Word?

by | Apr 21, 2020 | Formation, Reflections

Here is another in our series of “Praying Our Heritage.” The series illustrates quotes from key figures in the Vincentian Heritage.

The words of St. Elizabeth speak volumes and echo strongly in these days of pandemic.

Sometimes God’s consoling word is not what we consider consoling.

Are we prepared to hear God’s consoling word when it is simply saying “I am with you in the midst of this?”

For the more visually oriented among us, you don’t have to wait for the weekly image on Tuesday. You can browse for yourself. You can even search for images related to key words. Visit and search VinFormation’s database of prayer images.

We hope you will enjoy these time-release prayer capsules!

We would also welcome you sharing with all of us images that inspired you to prayer.