Vocation Vacation By S. Janet Gildea

Vocation Vacation By S. Janet Gildea

Vocation Vacation By S. Janet Gildea – Summertime … and the livin’ is easy … fish are jumpin’… and the cotton is high …” So begins the latest issue of E-Voc, the electronic newsletter from the Vocation Team of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati for single...

Laudato Si – Case study for Vincentians in Panama

Father  Gregory Gay forwarded this description from Joseph Fitzgerald, CM about how the new encyclical of Pope Francis  relates to the work of the Vincentians in Panama with indigenous people. ( Published in La Estrella de Panama, Saturday, June 27, 2015) “The...

Still a stranger?

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), July 5, 2015 – Ez 2, 2-5; 2 Cor 12, 7-10; Mk 6, 1-6 When I am weak, then I am strong (2 Cor 12, 10) Jesus came to his own people, but they did not accept him. Is he not a stranger to us who claim to be his own? God reveals to...