Stark Message to Synod from Vincentian Cardinal

Stark Message to Synod from Vincentian Cardinal

A stark message from a Vincentian Cardinal at the Youth Synod “The question … in Africa for the youth is not what we talk [about] much here in the synod… In [the] African context, it is survival: what you have to eat, to dress, and whether you get shelter.” “The...
A Canadian View: Words, Action and Prayer

A Canadian View: Words, Action and Prayer

As a long time Vincentian with a specific interest in social justice, I have occasionally worried about allowing our unique Vincentian charism getting lost or forgotten in the rush to address social justice and develop and advocate for systemic change which can give...
On Listening

On Listening

“On Listening” (Luke 11: 16, 29-31) One of the most gratifying compliments is to hear that you listen well. It conveys another’s feeling that something of his or her inner self has gotten through, that not just the words but the deeper resonances of those words have...