August 28: Birthday of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

by | Aug 28, 2016 | Formation

regina-bechtleRegina Bechtle, Sister of Charity of New York, writes: Today we mark the birthday of Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton – “a woman of faith for a time of doubt and uncertainty, a woman of love for a time of coldness and division, a woman of hope for a time of crisis and discouragement” (Terence Cardinal Cooke)… Let us give thanks to God for the living faith that grounded Elizabeth through all the joys and sorrows of her life journey. Read the rest in the SlideShare presentation below.

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Music suggestion to accompany this presentation:

For a downloadable copy of this prayer for St. Elizabeth’s birthday as a Word document, please visit this link on VinFormation. For other multimedia “Resources tagged Seton,” visit this link.

For those interested in art: about the man who painted portraits of Mother Seton

A graduate of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, Joseph Dawley became well-known in the 1960s and 70s for his realistic character studies and landscapes. In 1975, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, and his style became much looser, more colorful, and impressionistic. The following, was submitted March 2005 from the daughter of the artist:

Although raised and educated in Texas, Joe Dawley moved to New Jersey in the early 1960’s where he remained. He painted in the traditional Old Masters style until 1982, when the symptoms of Parkinson’s – diagnosed in 1975 – necessitated brain surgery. One of his accolades during that period was being commissioned to paint the official portrait of Mother Seton for the canonization in 1976. After the surgery and much recovery time, he found he had lost his fine motor skills needed to paint realism as he had. He taught himself impressionism and was very successful at it… after about 30 years of deterioration from the Parkinson’s, Joe Dawley continues to paint in yet another style, much more abstract and definitely from the heart. He may not always be able to speak, remember names, or even walk, but he seems to always be able to paint.

Joe Dawley passed away in 2008.

Artist’s biography from
