Sister Elizabeth Greim, DC (left) and Little Rock LOC President Nancy Barrett are joined with workers at the Jericho Way Center of Depaul USA.

Sister Elizabeth Greim, DC (left) and Little Rock LOC President Nancy Barrett are joined with workers at the Jericho Way Center of Depaul USA.

Ladies of Charity, Daughters of Charity and Depaul USA

Members of the Little Rock, Arkansas Ladies of Charity have recently begun supporting the Jericho Way Center of Depaul USA. The facility opened a few months ago under the direction of Sr. Elizabeth Greim, DC, as a day center to serve the homeless. From 7:00am to 3:00pm Monday through Friday, visitors are offered breakfast and lunch as well as a place to relax, take a nap, visit and shower. The Ladies volunteer at the site as well as donate items such as soap, towels, hot coffee and a good meal. Nancy Bennett, president of the Little Rock LOC, thoroughly enjoys working with Sister Elizabeth. “She is a remarkable woman, giving of her time in serving others while commuting between locations in Little Rock and Macon, GA.”

The nationwide nonprofit Depaul USA, which offers services for the homeless to get back on their feet and excel in their communities, is bringing its mission to Little Rock, thanks to a dialogue started between the organization and the city by the Diocese of Little Rock.

Sister Joan Pytlik, DC, the diocese’s minister for religious, reached out to Chuck Levesque, president and executive director of Depaul USA, after seeing several articles on the organization through the website, part of the St. Vincent de Paul network, she said. After sending a few articles to Mayor Mark Stodola, requesting more information from the organization and a conversation with the assistant city manager, Bryan Day, it all fell into place over time according to the Arkansas Catholic.

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Source:  LCUSA website (for more on the Ladies of Charity)