Resurrection and the Ladies of Charity (LCUSA)

by | Apr 4, 2015 | International Association of Charities - Ladies of Charity, News

LCUSA featured-generic-2Resurrection and the Ladies of Charity (LCUSA) – These two posts from the Ladies of Charity website capture key themes from the season.

Mary AnnDantuono writes… “The Ladies of Charity are a song of salvation. We go to the tomb seeking our love, our friend, our messiah. We listen with our hearts, like Mary, when He calls our name. We encounter the risen Lord again and again in the struggling widow, in the exhausted caregiver, in the hungry mother and child, in the homeless veteran, in the young migrant seeking a new life, in the ex-offender who is denied a second chance.”

Carol Schumer, DC provides a prayer service to celebrate the Journey from Death to Life.