“Servants and prophets of the living God” – Theme for Roman Curia

by | Feb 2, 2015 | Formation, Reflections

curia reflectingFr. Bruno Secondin, a Carmelite, will lead the Pope and those with administrative responsibilities in the Vatican in prayerful reflection  on “Servants and prophets of the living God”.

For the second consecutive year, Pope Francis wanted the curia’s spiritual exercises to be held outside of Rome, in order to foster the spiritual retreat and to avoid the temptation continue working. So all the head of Vatican dicasteries will move to Ariccia for five days Feb. 22-27.

Fr.Secondin, after an opening reflection on the topic: “Exiting from our own ‘village’” will offer 2 reflections a day drawn from the prophet Elijah.

Every day, Fr. Secondin will develop a specific topic: “Paths of authenticitiy” (on roots of faith and the courage to say no to any ambiguity); “Paths of freedom” (from vain idols to true mercy); “Let God surprise us” (the meeting with a God that is elsewhere and the acknowledgement of the poor, who evangelize us); Justice and intercession” (witness of justice and solidarity); and “Collecting from Elijah’s robe” (to be prophets of fraternity).

Those who walk in the footsteps of Saints Vincent and Louise might consider reflecting on these themes through the lens of Vincent and Louise. We may not have the opportunity move our activities to a place apart but hopefully we can enter into the spirit of these reflections even in brief moments while waiting for a traffic light to change.

Presumably these texts will be available so look for them on FamVin.

(Graphic courtesy of National Catholic Reporter)

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