Search and Serve, Come and See…

by | Jan 26, 2014 | Daughters of Charity

DC vocation Events“Search and Serve”, “Come and See”,  “Nun Run, “Sunday with Sisters”, and even an “Online Lenten Retreat” – Take your pick of these events being held around the country. each of them offers an opportunity to explore the possibilities of religious life with the Daughters of Charity.

Looking for an event near you? Check out our live-updated map of events. Just click a pin or location on the map to see what the event and dates are. For more information about these retreats, visit our vocations website.


  • Nun Run // Feb. 21-22, Indianapolis, IN
  • Come and See // Feb. 22, Jacksonville, FL
  • Sunday with Sisters // March 2, Detroit, MI
  • Online Lenten Retreat // March 9-13
  • Come and See // March 28-30, Los Altos Hills
  • Nun Run // April 4-5, Detroit, MI
  • Come and See // April 4-6, Emmitsburg, MD
  • Nun Run // April 11-12, Chicago, IL
  • Nun Run // May 23-24, Buffalo, NY
  • Search and Serve // June 30-July 7, St. Louis, MO
  • Nun Run // Sept. 19-20, Baltimore, MD