Saturday Study Hall – Congregation of the Mission

by | Jan 24, 2014 | Congregation of the Mission, Formation

CM sealJan. 25, 1617 marks the foundation of the Congregation of the Mission when Vincent preached the famous sermon at Folleville. It was not formally set up until  January 25, 1625.

Initial impetus for foundation – Sermon at Folleville 

Foundation Day

Vincentian Spirituality: The Congregation of the Mission – Jose Maria Roman, CM

International Website of the Congregation of the Mission

English-speaking Provinces of the Congregation of the Mission

History of the Congregation of the Mission in the United States – John Rybolt

Opportunities for Creativity in the Congregation of the Mission in the USA – Robert Maloney

1 Introduction



3.1 Service to our Vincentian Family
3.2 Form youth groups
3.3 Champion the pastoral use of technology on behalf of the poor
3.4 Create a vocation culture
3.5 Creating a gospel-centered environment

4 Conclusion

Congregation of the Mission (1625) Consitutions and Statues

 Brief history from the Statutes

St. Vincent de Paul was born in the village of Pouy in 1581. As a boy he lived among the poor and experienced the conditions under which they lived. In 1600 he became a priest. For a time he sought to escape from the poverty of his origins, but with the help of spiritual directors he felt himself called to deeper holiness and, through the events of his life, was finally led by divine providence to a firm determination to dedicate himself to the salvation of the poor. While he was exercising his ministry in Gannes and, on the 25th of January 1617, in Folleville, he saw that the evangelization of the poor was an urgent need. He himself held that this was the origin of his vocation, and of the Congregation of the Mission.

When, in August of the same year in Chatillon-les-Dombes, he founded “La Charite” The Confraternities of Charity to assist the sick who lacked all help, he discovered for himself, and showed others, the close link that exists between evangelization and the service of the poor.

Gradually his religious development led to contemplating and serving Christ in the person of the poor. The vision of Christ, sent by the Father to evangelize the poor, was central to his life and ministry. Hearing the call of people in the world of his own day, learning to listen with an ever more intense love of God and of poor people who were burdened with hardships of all kinds, Vincent felt himself called to alleviate sufferings of every sort.

Among all his commitments he always had a special care for the Mission, and he gathered the first members to join with him in evangelization of the country people; this was set out in a contract dated the 17th of April 1625. They bound themselves to form a Congregation in which, living as a community, they would devote themselves to the salvation of the country poor; this was by an Act of Association which they signed on the 4th of September 1626.

While Vincent and his confreres were giving themselves to the evangelization of the poor, they clearly saw that the effectiveness of their mission to the people could not be sustained unless they also provided for the formation of the clergy. They began this work in 1628 in Beauvais when, at the request of the bishop, they held retreats for those being advanced to orders. In this way they were providing good pastors for the Church.

From the Introduction to the Constitutions and Statutes of the Congregation of the Mission.