The 400th Anniversary of Our Charism

The 400th Anniversary of Our Charism

A paraphrase of the opening line today from Isaiah reads: “How beautiful are the feet of the one who brings glad tidings, announces peace, carries good news, tells us that our salvation is here and now, and does all this by a life-changing proclamation. And that is,...
Forgive as our heavenly Father Forgives

Forgive as our heavenly Father Forgives

Jesus calls us to repentance and forgiveness.  And we heed his call in so far as we are ready to forgive our brothers and sisters. The Gospel teaches that we are to avoid those who refuse to listen even to the community.  But the teaching is no reason not to forgive...
Mercy, the Key to God’s Heart

Mercy, the Key to God’s Heart

Feel God’s Touch – Mercy, the Key to God’s Heart — Silence is Golden Feel God’s Touch – God’s hand is always on us.  Sometimes we don’t see or feel His presence, sometimes we do not see the light at the end of the tunnel or we have tunnel vision.  But never...