Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, 20: Love Triumphs and Transforms People

by | Nov 11, 2020 | Formation, Reflections

Each week a member of the Vincentian Family will share a part of his/her experience during recent months. From the depths of their heart these writers will present a message of hope because we are convinced that there are positive lessons to be learned from this pandemic.

As the director of the San Rafael School, I was, in the beginning, more attentive to the changes that were occurring in the field of education than to those changes that were taking place all around me … changes that effected my wife, Sonia, and my children. Little by little, living together for so many hours and days, we were able to deepen our intrapersonal and interpersonal knowledge of one another.

We have awakened and reinforced feelings of unity, prudence, commitment and love for others. We have also had feelings of sadness caused by the reports of so many infections and deaths. Personally, I have had feelings of gratitude to God for his presence in the hearts of so many people who are engaged on the frontlines of this pandemic. I have also been able to join in prayer with countless people who have lifted up their voices during this difficult time.

The dawn begins with a cleaner sky and with the sound of birds singing their songs … sounds that I had not heard since the time I was a little child. We better understand our children. We have been able to be at their side especially, in some difficult situations.

In these days of trial, the Lord is present at every moment, in every prayer, in every person who suffers… faith has always brought me through the most difficult moments and on this occasion, my faith has been strengthened. I thank the members of the Congregation of the Mission in Albacete who have transmitted (by Facebook) the daily celebration of the Eucharist.

Compared to what others have done, I have not done anything outstanding. I continue to express my love for the students and their families as well as for the teachers and I pray that we will continue to serve the students in the best possible manner. I am also grateful for my wife, Sonia, who has been making masks and distributing them to the local hospitals.

I will highlight two great lessons learned and/or confirmed

  • humankind does not have power over the world.
  • Love triumphs and can transform people … and therefore, love can transform the world.

Juan Carlos López López