Notice the Invisible Christ – Where is God?

by | Oct 10, 2016 | Formation, Reflections, Society of St. Vincent de Paul | 1 comment


Notice the Invisible Christ – Where is God? –  Vincentians Have Confidence in God

Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast

Notice the Invisible Christ

“Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone’s face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love?  This is the invisible Christ calling us to do what is right.  He is with us and trying to guide us.  These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.” Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. I’m sure; you like me have heard many times, “Where is Jesus?”  He like God is always with us.  He is on His cross forgiving us and trying to lead us.  I’ve said this before if you feel He is not with you, guess who moved.  It is definitely not Christ.  He is with God and with us.  We have to call on Him in prayer.  I see Him in my children and grandchildren and I definitely see Him in the poor we serve.  I see Him often in my husband who supports me and takes care of me in my illness.  I see Christ in a simple smile.  I see Christ when I see the gratitude of those I am able to help.  He crosses every barrier, including religious beliefs.  My favorite story of seeing Christ is when I pray with a Muslim lady in need.  She actually has adopted me as her mother.  We pray always and she is very comfortable with the prayer.  This is the visible Christ.  It is not about religion it is about doing what is right and making others feel good.  Try to always notice the invisible Christ in your work for the poor, your family and all who serve you even a simple coffee.  Smile at them often, this is the visible Christ, a smile and service to the poor.

Where is God?

A friend gave me a book “Is there a God?’ I thought it was an odd title, but decided to read it as it should help me answer questions the young people ask. This book answered all the questions the young people ask. The first chapter was on Angels, Miracles, Saints, Christian Belief, Christology and Evidence of God in Nature.  We have to learn to accept the good things that happen to us.  I believe in miracles and I see God in nature every day.  I also pray to the Saints and ask them to intercede for me.  Currently I feel angels, saints and God himself are with me.  I constantly call on them to be with me.  As Vincentians we have to bring this message of assurance to those we are called to serve.  First of all we have to believe.  It is my favorite word and I have it displayed in every room of my house.  So when you bring this message to the poor, you do not use words.  We use our actions of mercy, love and hope. I visit a Muslim family along with Tony.  She has 5 children and a husband out of work currently.  I first visited her seven years ago and she was pregnant with triplets.  Her husband lost his job in the fourth month of her pregnancy.  One day when I was there, she got a phone call from her sister in Jordan with the message, “her mother died”.  She burst into tears and held on to me and told me I was now her mother.  I was there when the triplets were born and along with a team of Vincentians, we were able to help her.  Her husband was back at work and she was able to get a nanny to help three days a week.  SSVP handled the other days.  From the beginning she and her husband were praying for me and I for them and the children.  I had not much experience praying with a Muslim person.  What I learned was we prayed to the same God.  When I prayed alone for them, I prayed to Jesus and all the Saints.  Today the male triplets tell me I am their grandma and they wonder why I don’t live with them.  Each time I visit, the children pile hugs on me and give me pictures.  One of the children is challenged and I have been able to help her some.  All of this comes from believing there is a God.  My Muslim family also believes there is a God.

Vincentians Have Confidence in God

We only need Faith the size of a mustard seed, Jesus tells us. He then says– curiously– “you should just do your duty to increase your faith.” Jesus tells us how to increase our faith.  We must do this without fanfare.  Vincentians walk and talk to others about hope and Mercy.  They carry it with them always and they always give the credit to God.  This is why we pray together with our partner before the visit by giving thanks to God.  We can pray during the visit as well in the silence of our heart. We are called to love the Lord with all your mind; and all your soul. And love your neighbor as yourself. Do that day after day and our faith will increase enormously. We do it with a joyful heart out of gratitude for what God has given to us. Do we know what Faith truly is?  Faith is not having doubt.  So increasing our Faith is minimizing our doubt. Faith is the opposite of worry and doubt.  To increase your Faith believe!!! God knows you personally.  He is always with us.  This is our Faith.  We use our faith to serve those in need better.  What can we do to relieve the poverty in them?  Look for a new way of serving and know God is with us; anything is possible. God knows us by name and loves us.  We are called to serve and act out our faith knowing God is there and always will be.  Losing Faith in yourself is the ultimate loss.  We have to help those we serve regain their Faith in themselves and in Society.  Our job is to make the world a better place for them.  We can do this with God.  We have the power we just need the will.  Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Believe!

Blessings, Lynn, Happy Canadian Thanksgiving

1 Comment

  1. Kathryn Maleney

    Thanks for your thoughts and good word! What good work you are doing. And yes, Christ is with us in a smile given, a smile received, a kind or an encouraging word can seem easy, but it contains the healing love that Jesus shared with us all.