“God’s Gift” Kyiv, Ukraine 10 years

by | May 27, 2015 | News

05.05.15_святкування - 30The Vincentian Fathers of the Vice-Province of SS. Cyril and Methodius celebrated the 10th anniversary of the blessing of “God’s Gift” house, Kyiv, Ukraine on 5th of May 2015 in Kyiv.

At the same time we celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the arrival of the Sisters of Mary of the Miraculous Medal to Kyiv.

The main celebrant at the Eucharist was the ordinary of Kyiv-Zhytomyr Diocese Archbishop Petro Malchuk, OFM. With him co-celebrated Bishop Vitalii Skomarovskyi, ordinary of the Lutsk Diocese, Bishop Emeritus Yan Purvinskyi and Auxiliary Bishop of the Uzhhorod Greek Catholic Eparchy His Excellency Nil Lushchak. Concelebrants at the Ecuharist included 50 priests from different Provinces of the Congregation of the Mission, as well as priests from the Kyiv Deanery and confreres from the Vice-Province. Seminarians of the Mayor Seminary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of the Kyiv-Zhytomyr Diocese as well as by the seminarians of the Vice-Province of SS. Cyril and Methodius also assisted at the Eucharist.

At the beginning of the Liturgy, Father Tomaz Mavric CM, the Vice-Provincial of the Vice-Province of SS. Cyril and Methodius greeted all those present and underlined the importance of this event. Thanking God, the Congregation of the Mission, the many donors, Father Paul Roche CM for “ God’s gift “ house, he encouraged all present to have our eyes and hearts directed to the future.

Members of different branches of the Vincentian family from the international as well as national levels came together to the celebration along with members of other charitable organizations. Together we search for new and creative ways to bring about our talents, gifts and resources to help better so many people in need spiritually and materially, especially at this time when Ukraine is going through so many challenges and pain.

After the introductory words the letters of the Apostolic Nuncio to Ukraine Archbishop Thomas Gullickson and the Apostolic Nuncio to the Russian Federation Archbishop Ivan Jurkovič were read.

The event was attended by parishioners of the Catholic parishes of Kyiv and surrounding areas, as well as invited guests from abroad as well as from different corners of Ukraine.

The program of the celebration was as follows:

17:00   Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

18:00   Holy Rosary and prayer of the Litany to the Virgin Mary

18:30   Solemn Eucharist

20:00   Concert

21:00   Agape

In attendance:

Fr. Joseph Foley, CM – international representative at the UN (USA);

Ms. Ulrike Mattfeld – International representative of St. Vincent de Paul Society (Germany);

Mr. Erwin Tigla –International representative of St. Vincent de Paul Society (Romania);

Fr. Paul Roche, C.M.– First Vice- Provincial of the Vice-Province of SS.. Cyril and Methodius (Ireland );

Mrs. Laurence de La Brosse – International representative of the International Association of Charities (France);

Mrs. Marie Christine Davy – representative of the International Association of Charities at the Council of Europe (France);

Mr. Mark McGreevy – Group Chief Executive of the Depaul International (Great Britain);

Mr. Roman Korniiko – President of the Alliance of Ukraine without Orphans and Chairman of the Board of the Charitable organization Father’s House

Mr. Kostiantyn Antoniuk – Director General of Father’s House Charitable organization

Mrs. Nataša Prah – Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to Ukraine

Mr. Primož Križaj – Consul of the Republic of Slovenia to Ukraine

Sr. Irma Makše, MS – Mother General of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mary of the Miraculous Medal (Slovenia);

Sr. Slavica Lesjak, MS – Visitatrix of the Province of Slovenia of the Sisters of Mary of the Miraculous Medal

Sr. Daniela Jukič, MS – Visitatrix of the Province of Croatia of the Marian Sisters of the Miraculous Medal

Rev. Joseph Geders, C.M.– Econome General of the Congregation of the Mission (Italy);

Rev. Carl Pieber, CM – Sub-Director General of the Association of the Miraculous Medal (USA);

Rev. Stanislav Zontak, C.M.– Assistant General of the Congregation of the Mission (Italy);

Rev. Pavle Novak, C.M.– Visitor of the Province of Slovenia

Rev. Jaroslav Jaššo, C.M.– Visitor of the Province of Slovaquia

Rev. Kryspin Banko, C.M.– Visitor of the Province of Poland

Rev. Bronislaw Sienczak, C.M.– Founder of Good News-2000, Education Centre (Poland)

Rev. Marie Augustine Nguyen Huu Gia, C.M.– Vice-Provincial of the Vice-Province of Vietnam

Rev. Riccardo Sacco, C.M.– “Comunita in dialogo” (Italy)

Rev. Patryk Olikh, OFM – Secretary of the Apostolic Nunciature (Ukraine)

National representatives of the Vincentian Family in Ukraine:

Mr. Volodymyr Balabanov – Director of the Depaul Ukraine

Sr. Petra Protsak – Assistant to the Mother General of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul- Greek Catholic Rite

Mr. Pavlo Neimety – President of the Conference of St. Vincent de Paul (Svaliava);

Mr. Dmytro Opalev – President of the Conference of St. Vincent de Paul (Kyiv);

Sr. Marta Shkarlat, DC – Daughters of Charity

Ms. Khrystyna Lopachak – Association of the Miraculous Medal

Mrs. Maryna Krutko – Head of the Committee of Systemic Change – Ukraine

Ms. Anna Skoryk – National President of the International Association of Charities

Present were also representatives of Caritas Ukraine, Caritas Spes ,volunteers from different branches of the Vincentian Family as well as other guests from the USA, France, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Great Britain, Ireland, Croatia and Vietnam.

In his sermon Archbishop Petro threw light on the figure and charisma of St. Vincent as well as underlined the proper meaning of the word “gift”. He stressed that a gift should not only be received but also given. Every one of us should be a gift to the other person.

Archbishop Petro urged all those present to give thanks to God for all the gifts we received as well as for the charisma of St. Vincent de Paul.

At the end of the Eucharist, the other three bishops present at the celebration also expressed words of thankfulness for the occasion of the 10th anniversary.

The Eucharist was followed by a concert and dinner.

The Lord granted us nice weather. All the participants: bishops, priests, Religious sisters, seminarians, laity among whom there were many volunteers and other guests very much enjoy the music as well as the food prepared by the Sisters of Mary of the Miraculous Medal and volunteers.

On behalf of the Vice-Province, we would like to express our deep gratitude to all who took part in the celebration for your presence, warmness, closeness, love, you showed us over and over again.