LinkedIn Vincentians?

by | Jan 7, 2015 | Vincentian Family

table- spiritualityKelli J. McGee Director of Operations at Depaul USA has started a LinkedIn discussion group called FamVin. Obviously not all those who shape their lives by the charism manifested by Vincent, Louise, Frederic, Elizabeth, etc. are not on LinkedIn… nor need they be. But for those who are this is an opportunity to use this platform for newtworking especially during this coming year when there will be great attention to collaboration in the Vincentian family.

For those who are interested in a Vincentian network LinkedIn style here are some thoughts  to consider from an entry I posted to this group.

“Kelli, thanks for starting the group. I have made many attempts over the years to get such a network going. Maybe LinkedIn will be the vehicle that catches fire.

May I suggest a question or two…

1. LinkedIn has many members who have been inspired by Vincent, Louise, Frederic, Elizabeth and other heroes and heroines inspired by the Vincentian charism of charity.

How do we identify one another?

2. This coming year has been designated as a year of fostering collaboration in the Vincentian Family.

A related question would be how can LinkedIn serve as a way networking and bringing good news to those on the peripheries as those who gone before us did and we are asked to do by Pope Francis.


To which I now add… “let’s encircle the globe in a network of love” (Frederic) and be”creative unto infinity” (Vincent).

Whether this goes anyplace is up to us.

Look for Famvin on LinkedIn!