New VinFormation Site is Live!

New VinFormation Site is Live!

Take some time and check out our newly renovated VinFormation site! Now also available in Spanish En español: VinFormación Presentations, Videos, Timelines, Prayers, Quotes, Images… the resources are never-ending and are available to you with the click of a...
A Vincentian Creed

A Vincentian Creed

I BELIEVE in God, the Lord of history who is and who comes; I BELIEVE in Jesus Christ, the Lord of life, who gave Himself for me, for you, for all without exception and who awaits me in the tabernacle; who is delivered as food under the species of bread and wine; who...
Framing The Scene

Framing The Scene

Framing The Scene  (John 11:1-45) I remember a wise person once telling me that there’s no such thing as an un-interpreted fact. Everything you see out there you see through some kind of frame, some angle of approach that not only affects how you see, but more...