Jesus is Ruler and Savior, Lord and Messiah. Yet he lords over no one; he serves and is the Good Shepherd who gives his life for the sheep.
A ruler among Jesus’ own should not at all be like a ruler among the Gentiles. The latter lords it over others. The former, on the other hand, must be slave of all and should do as the Lord.
And this Lord does not seek to be served but to serve and to give his life for all. In other words, he is the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep.
As the Good Shepherd, he fulfills the words God has spoken through Ezekiel. For, yes, Jesus is the shepherd who looks for those who stray and brings them back. He also bandages those with injuries and makes strong those who are weak and gives them justice.
And he is not one to run away and leave behind the sheep in times of danger. No, threats from leaders who want no change to protect their interests do not work on him. That is to say, they do not stop him from seeking to make life better for the poor. For the sinners, for those on the outskirts.
Indeed, that is how much he seeks their good, how much he loves them. So then, he is no hireling. For he does not look to his own interests, but to those of others. And out of love for them, he will give up his body and shed his blood. He will die as one of them, victim of injustice, poor, excluded, rejected, suffering outside the city.
And we all should go to him there, above all a ruler among us, to know him and his voice. To taste his and the Father’s love and be one with him as he is one with the Father. And to learn, besides, to welcome those, too, who are not of our fold.
Lord Jesus, keep us safe from the wolf that devours and the hireling that runs away. And make us listen always to your voice, as you are our Good Shepherd, our Ruler and Savior, our Lord and Messiah. Do not let us play the master ever (SV.EN XI:313).
21 April 2024
Fourth Sunday of Easter (B)
Acts 4, 8-12; 1 Jn 3, 1-2; Jn 10, 11-18