Vincent As a Seeker

Vincent As a Seeker

Some time ago, I offered a reflection on “The Magi School For Seekers.” It was based on a homily Pope Francis gave, presenting the Magi as showing the path for modern-day “seekers.” I began to think of Vincent as such a seeker. The Magi looked beyond their horizons...
Fill Our Life with Jesus Christ

Fill Our Life with Jesus Christ

Jesus is the bread of life.  Those whose life is full of him have their fill.  To go to him and to believe in him is to hunger and thirst no more. To fill their life with Jesus Christ is one of the things that missionaries are to remember (SV.EN:276). And all those,...
Empowering Women Through Skill Training

Empowering Women Through Skill Training

Empowering women through skill training enhances their economic independence, fostering self-confidence and breaking societal barriers. Acquiring new skills equips women for diverse roles, promoting inclusivity and gender equality in various fields. New skills enhance...