Perfect as Our Father in Heaven

by | Feb 15, 2023 | Formation, Reflections

Jesus, who is in the bosom of the Father and knows him up close, shows us the divine face.  He wants us to be perfect as our Father.

It is quite clear what it means to be perfect as our Father in heaven:  to go beyond what the law and the prophets command and forbid.  Jesus, yes, sets the bar in life ever higher each time.  And he cannot but do so.  For he only knows the Father who loves the good and the bad.  The Father who does not know what “enemy” means.  And in turn, of course, the Son is the Father’s mercy made flesh.

But Jesus does not just say in general that we have to surpass the law and the prophets.  For he shows us concrete ways to be perfect, to go beyond what the wise and learned deem just.

And there is no doubt that what Jesus asks us to do in concrete is clear and easy to grasp.  Or we would not go to great lengths thinking of ways not to do it but still keep its spirit.  Not rarely, though, and sadlly, we end up watering down or distorting even what Jesus asks.

Maybe it is due to this that there is the charge that we Christians do not do what Jesus says.  And that, worse, we also go against it (Comentarios al evangelio 11).  But what is sure is not that we do not get it, but that we do not do it.  We feel we cannot do what Jesus tells us.

And better that we wonder as the disciples on hearing Jesus tell them that the wealthy are at risk (Mt 19, 23-23).  For he will right away spur us on as he says to us that yes, we can, by God’s grace.

Perfect only by God’s Grace

Just by God’s grace.  Hence, we have to rely on God completely and give the credit to his grace for all success (SV.EN:305).  And we who are weak, and can easily give in, should not tire of asking God for his grace (SV.EN IX:284).  And we are to get strength, besides, from the food and drink from heaven.  Or the journey will be too great for us; we will not reach our goal.

Lord Jesus, stay with us always.  And make us seek, by the power of the Holy Spirit, what is good for our brothers and sisters.  We shall thus get to be holy and perfect as our Father in heaven.

19 February 2023
7th Sunday in O.T. (A)
Lev 19, 1-2. 17-18; 1 Cor 3, 16-23; Mt 5, 38-48