On September 29, 2021, at Our Lady of Victory National Shrine and Basilica, Bishop Michael W. Fisher, offered a Mass of Thanksgiving for the Association of the Ladies of Charity, Diocese of Buffalo. This Mass was in celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the founding of the Ladies of Charity in Buffalo. Msgr. David LiPuma, Pastor and Rector of the Basilica, concelebrated the Mass along with Catholic Charities CEO, Steve Schumer who served as Deacon.
There were over 75 people who attended, including a group of pilgrims from Cleveland, Ohio, who were visiting the Basilica and joined us at Mass. The priest who was traveling with them joined Bishop Fisher and Msgr. LiPuma on the altar as well. We were thrilled to have the visitors with us for this special occasion.
Since the 29th of September was the feast day of the three Arch Angels, Gabriel, Rafael and Michael, Bishop Fisher spoke of them and how the Ladies of Charity has a connection to God’s Angels. Bishop Fisher also has a special connection to our organization, having had his spiritual discernment for the priesthood in the same room Elizabeth Ann Seton, founder of the Sisters of Charity died in at Emmitsburg, Maryland.
LOC Member and Erie County Legislator Jeanne Vinal presented a proclamation from the Legislature to Director, Julie Lulek recognizing our work in the Western New York Community.
Our anniversary provided us an opportunity to thank our membership and those who have supported our efforts in our commitment to combat all forms of poverty in the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul. May we continue to strive to break the cycle of poverty in our community, and in the world through our actions, advocating for social change and prayer.