Life of St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M.

by | Jul 30, 2021 | Congregation of the Mission, Formation | 1 comment

Of the many sons of Vincent de Paul who have been exemplary in their vocation and evangelizers of the poor, some have been put forward for us to admire and take as a role model. Justin de Jacobis– the great apostle to the Abyssinian people (known today as the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia)– is one of these.


1800, 9 October Born near Naples, Italy
1818, 17 October Entered the Seminary of the Congregation of the Mission
1824, 12 June Ordained priest
1839, 24 May Responsibility for the mission in Abyssinia and surrounding territories
1860, 31 July Died
1939, 25 June Beatified by Pope Pius XII
1975, 26 October Canonized by Pope Paul VI
30 July Feast day


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1 Comment

  1. James Ruiz

    Great to know the historical figures of our Vincentian order. Thank You.