Celebrating Blessed Rosalie Rendu, D.C.

by | Feb 9, 2020 | Formation, Media

From the age of reason, Jeanne [Sr. Rosalie] had thought of consecrating
herself to God. None of the joys of the world attracted her. She
wanted no part of its celebrations or glitter. At the same time, she
felt drawn by its groans and misery. –Armand de Melun

This presentation contains excerpts from her biography written by Sr. Louise Sullivan, D.C.

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  • Reflect on your own vocation– what can you learn from this spiritual and
    human portrait of Blessed Rosalie?
  • What do the following words mean to you?
    • personal sacrifice
    • surrender
    • the humility to be a servant for a lifetime
  • How does Rosalie’s story inspire vocations?
  • How can she help men and women everywhere grow in their love for the poor? In their respect for the dignity of the Catholic religious life?