Help for Peru

by | Feb 8, 2017 | Disasters and Responses, News

We have received a letter from the National President of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul asking for urgent help for Peru the relief of the many poor who have suffered the recent floods:

To the Worldwide Vincentian Family:

I extend my fraternal greetings on behalf of all the members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Peru. I want you to be well, persevering faithfully in following Jesus Christ, evangelizer of the poor.

The coast of Peru has been hit by heavy rains. There are several cities affected: East Lima: Chosica and Chaclacayo. South of Lima: Pisco, Chincha, Ica and Arequipa. To the north of Lima: Chiclayo, Piura and Tumbes. Product of the rains have been “huaycos”, mudslides, rocks and others products from the mountains, many sections of the roads have been interrupted. The damage is innumerable: collapsed houses, flooded houses, interrupted drinking water services, collapsed sewage networks, shortages of various products, even deaths on drowning, electrocution and walls that fell on them.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Vincentian Family of Peru are carrying out relief work for the victims. We know that the testimony of the believer in Jesus Christ is light in the dark. Light that is able to illuminate and open paths of affective and effective love. Today, more than ever, we must give life to the gospel of the last Sunday, we must be salt and light of the world (cf. Mt 5, 13-16).

I call on the different members of the Vincentian Family to collaborate with us. Donations are being channeled through the account of the National Council of the SSVP Peru. The data are as follows:

  • Beneficiary: Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl (Society of St. Vincent de Paul)
  • IBAN Code: 009-010-001109014745-02
  • Bank: Scotiabank
  • Country: Perú
  • Address: Av. Dionisio Derteano 102 – San Isidro. Lima 27, Perú.
  • P.O Box: 1235
  • Phone:  (511) 2116000

The money raised will serve to face this emergency from four perspectives:

  1. Removal of water and debris.
  2. Food for people who lost homes.
  3. Reconstruction of housing.
  4. Self-sustainable projects with people who have been homeless, or have been affected by these phenomena.

If you have any questions, please contact the member Remberth Alonso Falla Zuloeta: You can write in Spanish, English or another language. He will answer you as soon as possible. Also, the email of the SSVP Peru is

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. We trust that God will show us the way. We pray for you and are committed to keeping you informed of the efficient use of your donations.


Efraín Huamán Gutiérrez
President SSVP Peru

Note: For more information on disasters in Peru you can read this FamVin article.

Tags: Peru