Mercy and the Spirit of St. Vincent de Paul

by | Oct 14, 2016 | Formation

The Church’s Year of Mercy will draw to a close on November 20… about 1 month to go. As Vincentians we are constantly learning how to be vessels of God’s mercy for others. But it is also important for us to experience the healing joy of divine mercy for ourselves– as we all make mistakes in our struggle to come to know and serve our neighbor. As St. Vincent once wrote, “Many appear good, but they’re filled with that smoke of self-esteem that causes them to have neither weight nor consistency but disappear like vapor.” (XII: 165).

The following SlideShare reminds us to keep the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul alive in this Year of Mercy, and beyond.

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FYI, Catholic Relief Services has some very nice resources that you might be interested in using with your local Vincentian groups.

We’ve been running a series of quotes of Sts. Vincent and Louise on mercy, every Tuesday on social media in English, Spanish, French and Polish. See them here.