Laudato Si’ Week and the Vincentian Family

by | May 14, 2016 | News

International Catholic eco-groups like the Global Catholic Climate Movement want you to know about “Laudato Si’ Week,” June 12th through the 19th, and they want us all to take part. The goal is to keep the spotlight on the Holy Father’s eco-encyclical, and to continue putting it into action.

Events can take the form of a…Read more

Will the Vincentian Family be represented in this effort? The answer is up to us!

To help, the GCCM has initiated “Laudato Si Animators,” which hopes to promote the messages of Laudato Si’ and help turn it into action in our local communities, “whether that be a parish, school, religious congregation, lay group, youth organization, retreat center, Boy Scout troop, or more.”

Laudato Si Animators is intended to be a global network of Catholics “committed to bringing Laudato Si to life.” Anyone who signs up as an Animator is asked to participate in online trainings with experts and environmental leaders to help organize around Laudato Si Week events. According to the GCCM, the initial period will be focused on organizing at least one Laudato Si’ event in your community as part of Laudato Si Week.