Sr. Teresa Tambelli, D.C, Angel of “Marianelli” on the way to sainthood

by | Mar 18, 2016 | Daughters of Charity, News

The Vatican website has announced that a Daughter of Charity, Teresa Tambelli (1884 – 1964), has been given the title as Servant of God. She knew another Daughter, the recently beatified Sr. Nicoli, and inherited her works, method, purity of life, piety and tireless generosity.

Fr. Shijo, Postulator General, writes,

Sister Teresa Tambelli was born on 17 January 1885 at Revere di Mantova (Italy) to Advocate Tambelli Julius and Rosa Laime. Teresa lost both her parents at the age of 13. At the age of 18, against the will of her guardian, she decided to dedicate her life to the Lord in the company of the Daughters of Charity. Teresa entered the Seminary (novitiate), in Turin on 1 November 1904. After serving three years in Casale Monferrato, in 1907 she was sent to Sardinia in Cagliari to serve in a Navy Asylum where he stayed 57 years. In 1914, she met Sr. Giuseppina Nicoli (future Blessed).

Tambelli-2After the death of Sr. Nicoli in February 1925, Sr. Tambelli wrote in the Cagliari diocesan weekly Orientamenti describing her as a “precious gem of Vincentian virtues and charity.” Sister Teresa followed the memory of Sr. Nicoli, inheriting her works, method, purity of life, piety and tireless generosity. She cared for the entire array of children incapable of kindergarten, middle school and higher studies, where she proved her unparalleled educational skills.  Her top concern was to guide in the Vincentian spirit, the needy, the marginalized and those suffering from poverty and moral discomfort. She was always ready to intervene with her unique grace and noble kindness.

The icon that most people recall of Sr. Teresa Tambelli is that of the ‘nun with the bell in her hand’ passes through the narrow streets of the neighborhood, and one by one guiding her little Marianelli, to Mass and catechism and then a nice breakfast at the Marina. During World War II, her heroic charity ensured safety to thousands of poor. Thanks to her passion for education, which assured concrete, spiritual, and faith education to children and girls of all ages. To date, her Marianelli (association) remember her every year on February 23, 1964, her death anniversary.

On December 16, 2015, the postulator general Fr. Shijo Kanjirathamkunnel, CM, together with Fr. Italo Zedde, CM, director of the Daughters of Charity and Sr. Caterina Bua D C, Visitatrix of the Daughters of Charity met the Bishop of Cagliari to request officially to start the diocesan inquiry for the beatification. Sr. Maria Rita Columbano, DC, is the vice postulator of the Cause.  The website of the Diocese of Cagliari published on February 16, 2016 the following text: “On the request of the Archbishop of Cagliari, Msgr. Arrigo Miglio, the Episcopal Conference favors the introduction of the cause of beatification of Sister Teresa Tambelli, the Daughter of Charity.”

More information at the website of the Italian Daughters of Charity