Dangers faced by Vincentians and Daughters of Charity in Rwanda and Burundi

by | Nov 11, 2015 | Congregation of the Mission, Daughters of Charity, News | 1 comment

rwanda_burundi_october2015Fr. Néstor Gómez, cm, Regional Superior reports about dangers faced by Vincentians and Daughters of Charity in Rwanda and Burundi. The situation is alarming and calls for fervent prayer.

November 10, 2015


Greetings to all from the Region of  RWANDA-BURUNDI

Dear Visitor,

Fraternal greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, the missionary of the Father.

The reality in Burundi becomes more alarming with the passing of each day… and the death rate continues to climb.

[Post election violence]

I ask for your prayers and here I will also share with you the news that we have received from the capital about the situation there:

Good morning,

Thank you for your message and your concern for the people of this beloved country.  Thank you also for the support of your prayers.

I have just received the following information from a person who lives in the capital of Burundi:

  • There is great risk in traveling from one place to another;
  • Social and financial services are increasingly paralyzed;
  • Transportation of foodstuffs from the rural areas to the cities is becoming more difficult. The poor are unable to find food for purchase … and what they do find is very costly;
  • Between the hours of 9:00pm and 1:00am gunshots are heard throughout the city … the following morning, the dead are gathered up and buried;
  • The situation is very desperate and there is the risk that at any moment the situation will worsen;
  • We are awaiting the UN delegate.

We continue to place ourselves in the hands of God.

The situation in the capital is quite distinct from what is occurring in the interior of the country, except in certain areas, so life continues to move forward but with great uncertainty.

Some citizens of Rwanda, who live in Burundi, have been prevented from entering the capital and/or have been detained temporarily (including religious men and women).  We are very concerned about this situation since we have confreres from Rwanda who are involved in ministry in the capital, but up to now this has not been a problem for the confreres or for the Daughters of Charity.


I take this opportunity to share with you the fact that despite these difficulties, the Daughters of Charity of this Province have obtained permission to visit (as volunteers of CARITAS) one of the Burundian refugee camps located in Rwanda … a camp in which there are more than 45,000 persons.  We know that there are more than 200,000 Burundian refugees in Rwanda and neighboring countries.

Thank you for your solidarity and support on behalf of the poor and on behalf of the Missionaries of Burundi and of our Region.

May the Prince of Peace bless us with that blessed gift of peace: AMAHORO (in Kirundi and Kiñaruanda).

Blessings for all the confreres;
Fr. Néstor Gómez, cm

Regional Superior

May God bless everyone!

Fr. José Ángel Palma Castillo Cm

Provincial Secretary

Tags: Rwanda

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