Listen in Silence –- Let the Spirit Lead- Feel the Joy – Journey to God’s Mountain

by | Mar 9, 2015 | Formation, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

lynn-lheureux-featured-facebookListen in Silence –- Let the Spirit Lead- Feel the Joy – Journey to God’s Mountain

Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday March 10, 2015

ro-0101Dear Vincentian Family: How saddened we all were to here of the terror taking place with Catholic aid workers, including Vincentians. We all must pray daily. We need to pray for Pope Francis, our bishops and priests, all religions and all those at risk of being under attack I remember saying the Rosary a few times a day years ago to pray for the souls in Russia. There was a change and I remember thinking, “Wow Mary did this!” She is the greatest intercessor. Pray always. Pray for each other in the Vincentian Family and all we serve. Amen

images (4)Listen in Silence – Do we really listen? Today’s Inspirational Snippet: God’s voice is waiting in the scriptures, in Christian music, in that spiritual book you’ve got sitting on your table, in your children or your spouse or the friend you “accidentally” bump into. Be silent and reflect on what God is calling you to do. Ask yourself what you can do to be more loving and holy. Silence is golden and perfect for Lent. We have gone through 2 weeks and are entering our third. Many of us feel uncomfortable with silence. It just seems abnormal in our nosy world, but to hear God clearly, we need to close out distracting noises. Look at yourself and identify your gifts, thanking God for them. Use the silence for reflection and decision making especially with helping those in need. What is the mark of love for your neighbor in need? Reflect on Matthew 7:7:12 and Psalm 138. When listening to those in need, be silent and listen intently.

13047399991392516098dove-hiLet the Spirit Lead – We need this direction to grow in faith in our third week of Lent. If you have strayed, journey back. Lent connects all sorrows we have to the passion and healing of Christ. This is our passage from grief to healing, from anger to peace and from worry to relief. Re-read Psalm 51:3-6, 12-14, 17, 2 Corinthians 5:20 – “2 and Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18. You may remember these as the Ash Wednesday readings. Reflect on these words and put yourself in the Scripture. You will be led to discover how much you are loved. We have to learn to love ourselves. Some of you may remember the challenge I gave you some time ago. Perhaps we need it again. Go to the mirror, first thing in the morning and look at yourself. Say to the image, “I love you!”, and mean it. You will probably have to say it several times. We need to love ourselves to truly love others. God loves us all the time. This love helps us embrace our crosses and embrace the crosses of others, so we may serve them as we would serve Christ without judgement, and a willingness to lift them from their poverty. Look for many blessings beyond your imagination.

140Feel the Joy – Father, you stoop down to the level of your wayward children, providing them with laws to teach them how to grow up and become holy until you were ready to send your Son. Help me to obey you with joy, trusting that you know what’s best. Discipleship The gift of our faith is not something we are to hoard for our own benefit; it is meant to be shared with the world. Lent is a good time to wonder about what makes us Catholic, and the particular ways we can follow Christ’s call to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” The easiest thing to be in the world is you, God made you and you are awesome. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Always be yourself and feel the joy of God’s presence and love. “I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly.” ~ John 10:10b

images (7)Journey to God’s Mountain – We are called to ministry. Ministry is to be in service to Christ. See Him in everyone and serve with love. If you notice in the mountain scriptures, they are always for us and our good. Think of the 10 commandments, Moses, went to a mountain; the Beatitudes, revealed in a sermon on the mountain, and so many others, but the most amazing of all is, “The Transfiguration”, on a mountain. Take time to read the mountain Scriptures. During Lent we should look for ways to transfigure ourselves, to serve better and be better. Who gets access to the glory of Jesus? All who are attached to Him through love and service. If we find ourselves slowing down, read and pray to build up the energy and desire to continue. Everyone has gifts. Look for the best in others and discover their gifts. Do this with humility – humility is truth!



Lynn L’Heureux is Special needs co-coordinator & Advisor of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Calgary Alberta Canada.

Her newsletter is translated into 3 languages, hopefully soon to be 4. They have a group which brings the prayer into China and it is translated into Mandarin and other Chinese dialects.