Ladies of Charity and Daughters of Charity: Visiting and Sharing Stories

by | Dec 27, 2014 | Vincentian Family

LCUSA-DCLadies of Charity and Daughters of Charity: Visiting and Sharing Stories – The website of the Ladies of Charity USA has a touching story of the women of charity doing what comes so naturally to them – sharing stories via a time-honored form of mutual ministry. The eyes say so much in this photo from the Ladies of Charity website.

In September of this year, the Ladies of Charity in Albany, NY started a new ministry with the Daughters of Charity at St. Louise House Retirement Home in Albany, NY. The Ladies of Charity meet once a month with Daughters for a few hours to visit and share stories with those who have spent their lives in serving others.

Be sure to read the full post and see more pictures.

Editor’s note: What an easily replicable and valuable ministry for those who have brought the joy of the gospel to others during their lives.
