A Polarized Church both Then and Now

A Polarized Church both Then and Now

Growing up, I was fascinated by fading pictures meticulously glued into some decades-old family albums. There I saw pictures of my mother and father before I was born. I saw some 90% of my extended family in Germany for the first time. My “Tante” Tessie and my “Onkle”...
House of Miracles

House of Miracles

Casa Milagrosa offers homeless guests radical hospitality This article was originally published in the spring issue of the Western Province’s quarterly newsletter, The Vincentian. Guillermo Vidaurri calls them guests—the homeless patrons who visit Depaul USA’s Casa...
A Vincentian View: The Good Shepherd

A Vincentian View: The Good Shepherd

In the 23rd Psalm, the psalmist proclaims, “My shepherd is the Lord.”  I imagine that when Jesus prayed these words, he found a depiction of himself. In John’s Gospel, Jesus describes his role as a shepherd.  Using this image, he offers some fundamental ideas around...