Lenten Conferences of Fr. Lacordaire No. 9

by | Feb 29, 2024 | Formation

At the request of Frederic Ozanam and other university students, the Archbishop of Paris, Monsignor de Quélen, instituted the Lenten Conferences at Notre-Dame, which are still held today. The first cycle of conferences took place from February to March 1834. Father Lacordaire, who would later join the Dominicans but was then a diocesan priest, preached those of 1835 and 1836. These extracts come from those conferences.

Truth alone is not sufficient to produce virtue

Conferences of the Rev. Père Lacordaire, p. 308-309

…truth alone is not sufficient to produce virtue… Every day men see and remain insensible. I go into the street; I meet a poor man who extends his hand to me; I see his misery plainly, but my heart may remain closed. I see plainly that the relation between that man and myself is a relation between poverty and riches, of one who asks from me, and whom I am able to pity and comfort; nevertheless I pass on, without blessing him with a look, or from my heart, or with my hand. I possess truth with regard to that poor man, but I have no charity. Who will impart charity to me? Evidently another power than that of truth, but a power, notwithstanding, which will be united to truth, as heat is united to light, —a power capable of moving me, of touching my heart, of enrapturing me.

Thus you may speak to me of country. Everybody knows what country is. But when an enemy is there, when it becomes a question of shedding one’s blood to defend it, and often blood which we believe to be shed in vain, because the weakness of the heart willingly represents the sacrifice to us as a thing which will not succeed; well! what would then be necessary to induce us to decide? We should need a sympathetic inspiration with regard to our country … to come and animate that cold heart, to draw from it the blood which it would preserve… A doctrine which does not contain any inspiration which is sympathetic with the heart of man, is then a doctrine sterile for virtue, whatever may be the amount of truth which it might otherwise contain…

Jean-Baptiste-Henri-Dominique Lacordaire (1802-1861) was a renowned preacher and restorer of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) in France. He was a great friend of Frederic Ozanam (in fact, he is the author of a very interesting biography on Ozanam) and very close to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

Image: Lacordaire, painted by Louis Janmot (1814-1892), friend of Frederic Ozanam and an early member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

*Source: Conferences of the Rev. Père Lacordaire: Delivered in the Cathedral of Nôtre Dame, in Paris. Author: Jean Baptiste Henri Dominique Lacordaire. Translated from the French by Henry Langdon. Publisher: T. Richardson in 1853.