Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Associates: A 50 Year History 1972-2022 (Part 09)

by | Aug 27, 2022 | Formation

Third SCN Associate Convocation
In June 2004, the SCNA community had the joy of celebrating the third SCN Associate convocation. Sisters and Associates from Belize and the United States came together once more for visiting, sharing, and growing in life and mission. Keynote speakers Evelyn and James Whitehead and workshop presenters John Freund, CM, Luke Boiarski, SCN, Carolyn Goddard, SCNA, and Dr. Janet MacLean, SCNA, led Associates and Sisters in exploring the topic of “The Sacred Rhythm of Our Lives.”[116]

Associates pose at the end of a skit during the 2004 SCN Associate Convocation.

Guidelines Established for Associate Relationship in India
While the Western Province and Belize participated in the third SCN Associate Convocation, India was making strides in establishing a more secure foothold for their Associates. Guidelines for starting an Associate relationship were completed and sent to each local community along with resources for use once they had Candidates. The responsibility for inviting individuals to consider Associate relationships with the Congregation was placed with each local community. Also in June 2004, Sister Rita Puthenkalam was appointed SCN Associate Coordinator for all of India. In addition to Sister Rita, the SCN Associate team in India now consisted of Sisters Amrita Manjoly, Vandana Velleringatt, Suma Muthukattuparampil, Agnes Tudu, and Bridget Vadakeattam.[117] This team soon decided to translate the SCN Associate application form into Hindi to make it more accessible for many people in India. Their efforts resulted in the founding of a Mumbai-Vasai unit of the SCN Associates in 2004. The initial Candidates in the Mumbai-Vasai unit consisted of former SCNs as well as school staff members who were close to the Sisters.[118]

Sisters and Associates paused during the 2004 SCNA Convocation for an evening of fun and relaxation with Elvis at SCN Associate Sharon Cecil’s home in Bardstown. Pictured are SCN Associates Carmella Vargas, Sharon Cecil, Ermelita Reyes, and Patsy Cain and Sisters Chris Beckett and Luke Boiarski.

Written by Kelly McDaniels, Archivist, SCNA

A history this multifaceted could not have been wrangled into a coherent document without the help of many. I am immensely grateful to all of those who have assisted in any way. First and foremost, a huge thank you to Mary Martin, SCNA, for giving me a solid basis for what to include in this history and for painstakingly reviewing each and every draft. Thank you to Sister Maria Vincent Brocato for interviewing multiple SCN Associates as part of this project, to Sister Malini Manjaly, Archivist in Mokama, for helping me piece together the history of the Associates in India, and to Sister Nalini Meachariyil for helping me with the history of the Associates in Botswana. My thanks as well to Tammy Mattingly, SCNA and Administrative Assistant of the Associate Office, for answering a million and more questions; and to my many wonderful readers (listed below) who have helped with grammar, clarity, and adding a richness to this story that I could not have achieved on my own. Thank you to all of those who contributed their memories and beautiful stories from the past fifty years: Evelyn Faldowski, SCNA; Mary Gene Frank, SCNA; Sister Paschal Maria Fernicola; Sister Barbara Flores; Sister Rhoda Kay Glunk; Charlotte Hazas, SCNA; Sister Beverly Hoffman; Donna Kenney; Sister Rosemarie Kirwan; Sister Marlene Lehmkuhl; Trudi Maish, SCNA; Andy Meyer, SCNA; Jo Ann Paulin, SCNA; Peggy Masterson Ryan, SCNA; Sister Marilyn Shea; and many others who shared a story in passing. Finally, thank you to each and every person whom I have peppered with questions or who has listened to me obsess over this impossibly tangled history for the past several months.

Reviewed and proofread by: Maria Vincent Brocato, SCN; Sharon Cecil, SCNA; Mary Gene Frank, SCNA; Charlotte Hazas, SCNA; Josef Jareczek, Ph.D., best friend of the Archivist; Sister Marlene Lehmkuhl; Mary Martin, SCNA; and Sister Marilyn Shea.


Note on sources: Sources used in this history can be located at the Nazareth Archival Center, SCN Center, or on the SCN Family website.

[116] SCNA Convocation Program. 24-37 June 2004.

[117] Kotturan, Teresa. Letter to local SCN communities in India. 4 June 2004. SCN Archival Center. SCN Associate Collection, file A.008, “History – India SCNAs”.

[118] Puthenkalam, Rita. Eastern Province Report of SCNA. 12 Mar. 2008. SCN Archival Center. SCN Associate Collection, file A.008, “History – India SCNAs”.