Online Event: Better City Better Life – Adapting Cities for Climate Resilience

by | Oct 21, 2021 | News

Better City Better Life: Adapting Cities for Climate Resilience PARALLEL EVENT of URBAN OCTOBER


October 28, 2021, 9:00 – 10:30 am ET


The general theme of World Cities Day is Better City, Better Life. Each year a different sub-theme and a location for its global observance is selected, to either promote successes of urbanization, or address specific challenges resulting from urbanization. The Vincentian Family, a group of five NGOs seek to highlight a specific challenge of urbanization, one that is exacerbated by climate change, increased rates of poverty and inequality that of homelessness. Many cities are experiencing increased numbers of homeless individuals and families. Climate change is forcing many to lose housing which is not climate resilient. For example, at least 130 port cities with over one million inhabitants are expected to be affected by coastal flooding and the one billion people in urban informal settlements are particularly at risk.

Creating more sustainable, climate-resilient societies capable of addressing future pandemics, involves addressing a range of issues including poverty reduction, ensuring basic services, livelihoods, the provision of accessible, affordable and climate resilient housing, investing in infrastructure, upgrading informal settlements and managing ecosystems. Successful, well- governed cities greatly reduce climate-related risks for their populations. As we have committed in both the Copenhagen Declaration over 25 years ago and in Agenda 2030, let’s put people at the center of development. Let’s begin with the lived experiences of people who have experienced homelessness and learn what and who helped them, and what advice they have for Member States.

This side event will explore the importance of providing safe, affordable housing and support services for people experiencing homelessness. It will demonstrate that housing is an essential step to alleviating poverty, supporting livelihoods, avoiding hunger and malnutrition, increasing well- being, and affording people their human rights and human dignity. Addressing homelessness in all its dimensions at the intersection of climate change, will make urban centers “inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.”

Objectives of the side event

The least well off in cities and communities bear the brunt of climate change in the form of floods, landslides, and extreme heat and other weather conditions. There are more than 1 billion people living in informal settlements with 70 per cent highly vulnerable to climate change –a poverty multiplier that will trap the poor further without a pro-poor approach to planning, building and managing cities. People experiencing street homelessness are at risk to extreme weather conditions. This side event will include and amplify the voices of individuals and families who have experienced homelessness and poverty, and their suggestions for “Better City, Better Life.” It will also highlight programs that demonstrate that housing is key to helping individuals to exit poverty, sustain livelihoods and to achieve human dignity and well- being.

Format and Agenda

Presentations, discussion, and Q & A. Speakers:

  • Sister Donna Dodge: President of Sisters of Charity of New York and former CEO of Sisters of Charity Housing Development Corporation on affordable and supportive housing at Vincent’s Village, Nanuet, Rockland County, New York.
  • Sadiqa Bennet: President and Chief Executive Officer of Louisville Urban League, a nonprofit community service organization dedicated to eliminating racism.
  • Courtney Robinson: Speaking on how training and supportive services from Louisville Urban League helped him to secure housing and employment.
  • International Association of Charities (AIC): on the after effects of Typhoon Rolly in the Bicol region of the Philippines in November 2020 and the collaboration that offered assistance to disaster-displaced people to acquire building lots for permanent housing.Moderator: Teresa Kotturan SCN, NGO Representative of Sisters of Charity Federation.


This event is co-sponsored by the Company of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Congregation of the Mission, International Association of Charities (AIC), International Confederation of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, and the Sisters of Charity Federation ( NGOs in Consultative Status with ECOSOC)

Platform to be used and Registration link


Register here:


Recording available after November 15, 2021 at


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