Bearers of Joy and Hope That Flows Over

by | Aug 10, 2021 | Formation, Reflections

Jesus’ is the power that frees us from the sadness and hopelessness of death.  He wants us to be bearers of joy and hope like his Mother.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of those who make up the Church to bring Christ to others.  And he is the light of the nations and the glory of Israel.  So, he calls us to be bearers of his light and glory.  Bearers also of the joy and hope that the light and glory brings.

And to be such bearers, it is enough for us to take a “long, loving, look” at Mary.  She gives us an example to follow, so that we may be like her and do as she.  But such look will fall short of its goal if we do not let her show us her Son.

For there is none she likes better than that we gaze on God, on Jesus.  That is why we are not to give even the appearance that she matters to us more than God or Jesus.  If we devotees lose sight of the Lord, her true face will stay concealed more than revealed.

Her true face reflects the Lord’s.  She knows she is his servant.  The servant, in turn, has her eyes on the Lord (see Ps 123, 2); she seeks his will.  So, she says “yes” to his plan.  And the Virgin lets the Spirit make her bear fruit and guide her.

The most outstanding of the bearers of joy and hope

Mary is full of grace and joy that overflow.  So then, she sets out and travels in haste.  And it was no easy travel; it brings her to a town in the hill country to get to where Elizabeth lives.  But her mind is made up; she must share her joy with Elizabeth and share also in her joy.

The two, yes, are bearers of joy.  Elizabeth is full of joy due to the pleasant surprise that Mary’s visit brings her.  She proclaims her the Mother of the Lord.  In turn, the one who makes the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leap for joy gives God the glory.  So, she praises the great God who lifts up the lowly and is the source of all joy.  She also sings of his power and mercy; he sends the wealthy away empty and fills the hungry with good things.

Mary, yes, is the first of those who take no credit for their success (see SV.EN VII:305).  She stands out among the lowly to whom God gives many gifts (see SV.EN I:183).  No doubt, she is the most blessed of bearers of Christ.  She is so since she is his Mother.  But most of all, she is blessed for her faith; she hears God’s word and does it (Lk 8, 21; 11, 27-28).

And Mary is true to the Word to the end.  For she stands near the cross.  She shares, yes, in the giving up of the body and the shedding of blood.  That is why “assumed body and soul into heavenly glory,” she is the firstfruits of those whom Christ has raised up.  The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary gives us the hope that we will reach one day the glory of heaven.

Lord Jesus, make us proclaim the Father’s greatness.  And grant that we, full of the Spirit of joy and hope, be bearers of your light and splendor.

15 August 2021
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Rev 11, 19a; 12, 1-6a. 10ab; 1 Cor 15, 20-27; Lk 1, 39-56