Each week a member of the Vincentian Family will share a part of his/her experience during recent months. From the depths of their heart these writers will present a message of hope because we are convinced that there are positive lessons to be learned from this pandemic.
Keeping in contact with friends and family has been key to being mentally well during this time of pandemic. In midst of the fear of contracting the virus, there is so much political and racial turmoil in the world, people living alone can feel overwhelmed by news streaming into their homes. So, we often share stories that encourage us to keep believing in humanity.

Dee Mansi,
AIC, United Kingdom
One such story has touched our hearts, and uplifted us like no other. The Marillac Neurological Care Centre is one of the Daughters of Charity UK Services providing care and treatment for 52 residents with complex neurological conditions, with a residence for Sisters nearby. One Sister told us of how she will “cherish a miracle of resilience.”
Sister is able to observe the faltering steps of recovering patients. The nursing, physiotherapy, administration and ancillary staff resisted their fears of the virus, and focused on coming to work each day, to ensure the necessary continuity of the therapy programmes. During a time when no visitors were allowed, the staff were very conscious of their commitment to care for the residents.
The result of this professional sacrifice was described by one of the Sisters:
“One day, I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw Roger, who I had always seen in a wheelchair before, moving unaided with a walker – gently encouraged by a physiotherapist. Then I saw Oliver moving from halting steps with support to moving unaided and then walking alone with no physiotherapist! What wonderful miracles! David, has journeyed from coma to building up his strength and stamina in the garden.
What a tribute to the skill and hard work of the health team who, despite the restrictions and personal difficulties of COVID-19, have continued to nurture, inspire and skillfully coax these young men to break through the barriers of incapacity.“