Show Jesus so as to Show the Father

by | May 5, 2020 | Formation, Reflections

Jesus reveals the Father. We Christians must be like him to show him and the Father.

The followers of Jesus show worry. For he tells them that one of them will betray him. And another, who says he will die for him, will deny him.

Besides, they recently heard him speak of the grain of wheat that must die to be fruitful. He also said that the onset of his hour was troubling him.

Undoubtedly, it worries and pains Jesus to see them so; he cannot but show that he cares. So, though deeply troubled himself, he lifts them up. He shows, then, and will show even more on the cross, that he is the Wounded Healer.

So, the Teacher strengthens his followers, yes, with the Spirit of courage he himself has received from the Father. For a voice from heaven bore out that, through him, the name of God received and will receive praise.

And the strength that lifts up the faint of heart is faith in God and Jesus. For in the first place, God waits for them at his house of many dwellings.

In the second place, Jesus will have a place ready for them. Yes, they will be together forever. For there is no way for those who follow him not to get to where he wants them to be.

All that the disciples need do is to be like Jesus, to let him show them what to do.

What is crucial is to follow him simply and humbly. He is the way that leads right to the kingdom the Father readied from the beginning for those who help the poor. So, to be a Christian is belong to the Way (Acts 9, 2), not to a study club.

Also, he is the fullest truth that, like the breaking dawn, shines in the dark. He also helps the lost get their bearings. And he, not doctrine, is the goal of those who seek what is and weighs.

He is at once the life, since all things come to be through him. In him is life that is the light of the human race. That is, he makes them tick, go on, and welcome the poor, their worry and their sorrow (Abelly III:117). Besides, he teaches them how to settle quarrels, so all may be living stones in the spiritual and priestly house. There, all work for the food that lasts to eternal life.

And he makes their hearts burn with zeal, so that they may meekly give a reason for their hope (1 Pt 3, 15). With mortification and even fear. So that alive, they may show the glory of Jesus and the Father. That they may do greater works.

Lord Jesus, the way, the truth and the life, make us follow you to the end. Thus, we will show that we are true images of you and the Father. Not just caricatures of Christians (SV.EN XII:222).

10 May 2020
Fifth Sunday of Easter (A)
Acts, 1-7; 1 Pt 2, 4-9; Jn 14, 1-12