Two Vincentian Family Branches Sign an International Cooperation Agreement

by | Jun 23, 2019 | News, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

On June 14th, 2019, in Oporto, the Council General International of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul signed an international cooperation agreement with the Religious of St. Vincent de Paul (RSV).

The agreement was signed by Renato Lima de Oliveira, the 16th President General, on behalf of the International Confederation of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and by Father Bertín Sanon, the Superior General of the RSV. This cooperation agreement aims, inter alia, at holding common events and Vincentian formation meetings, spreading charism, fostering information exchange and collaborating in the canonization of its members and founders, as well as drawing up activity programmes to encourage young people to get to know the religious life in order to awaken prospective vocations.

The Council General urges the countries where the two branches exist to sign similar agreements to “allow both institutions to rely on their specific and distinct mission, thus strengthening the bonds within the Vincentian Family”, stated Renato Lima.

Read the International Cooperation Agreement with the Religious of St. Vincent de Paul (RSV) clicking here.

