The Sisters of Charity of New York had their Assembly, themed Charity Rising—Now more than ever!, at the end of March in Tarrytown, NY. Below is a report from their Communications Director about the Election, and links to reports and photos from the other days of the Assembly.
The Sisters of Charity of New York are happy to announce that the delegates of Assembly 2019 elected Sister Donna Dodge President, and approved the appointment of Sister Dorothy Metz as First Assistant to the President, and Sister Dominica Rocchio as Second Assistant to the President for a term of four years, 2019 – 2023.
The election took place on Saturday afternoon, March 30. Sister Catherine Cleary, Vicar for Religious of the Archdiocese of New York, was present for the election of the President. Sister Catherine serves as the official delegate representing Cardinal Dolan. A ceremony invoking the Assembly theme and the Congregation founders ushered in the election process for the new president.
Mass was celebrated at the close of the day. The presider for the vigil Mass was Rev. Sam Sawyer, SJ, from St. Francis Xavier Parish, Manhattan.

From left: Sisters Margaret Egan, Dominica Rocchio, Dorothy Metz, Donna Dodge, Margaret O’Brien, Claire E. Regan, and Sheila Brosnan.
Delegates and partners returned on Sunday morning to resume and witness the election process. Before beginning, the Congregation took time to thank all who contributed their talents and efforts to make Assembly 2019 a wonderful success. Sister Jane and Sister Donna led the Congregation in thanking Sheryl White, CSJ, the Assembly facilitator. They presented Sister Sheryl with a copy of the painting, The Sister of Charity by Pietro Gagliardi, as well as a few other reminders of her time with the Sisters of Charity. Sister Sherryl began her work with the Congregation in 2017.
A prayerful and reverent atmosphere was once again set as elections began anew. Sisters Sheila Brosnan, Margaret O’Brien, Margaret Egan, and Claire. E. Regan were elected as Councilors for a term of four years. As called by Sister Jane, each elected Sister came forward to accept the role as Councilor for the Congregation.
A closing ceremony featuring the symbols of Charity Rising ended the sixth day of Assembly 2019. A dinner of thanksgiving followed the joyous events of the week. The new Leadership will assume their responsibilities on July 1, 2019.
Click to read Assembly Day One/see photos.
Click to read Assembly Day Two Reflection/see photos.
Click to read Assembly Day Three Reflection/see photos.
Click to read Assembly Day Four Reflection/see photos.