SSVP President General Will Be Visiting the City of Oporto (Portugal)

by | Oct 10, 2018 | News, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

On October 12, 13 and 14, brother Renato Lima de Oliveira, 16th President General of the SSVP, will be on an official visit to the Central Council of Oporto, Portugal. Renato will be accompanied by the national president, sister Alda Couceiro, and the president of the local Council, brother Manuel Carvas Guedes.

Renato will visit the “Ozanam House” (which is a social project that provides charity services to the most needy, including the elderly, children, families, young people and the homeless) and also the “Saint Antony Place” (for the elderly).

Our President General will also visit some Conferences and Zone Councils, and will have an audience with the bishop of the diocese, Monsignor Manuel Linda. The highlight of the visit will be the General Assembly and Holy Mass, with the presence of hundreds of Vincentians from the Central Council area and neighborhoods.

We are going to fulfill a very intense agenda, with many activities in Oporto and in other cities around. I also want to be able to talk with the dear Portuguese members, who carry out a beautiful work of charity with those who suffer. I like to do exactly this in my institutional trips: to chat with the Vincentians, “stressed our President General.

The Central Council of Oporto was founded in 1893. Currently, it has 25 Zone Councils, 304 Conferences, 6 Vincentian works, 3,500 members and 23,000 people assisted. In 2019, the city was chosen by the CGI to host the plenary meetings in June, when the Council General International’s 180 years of existence will be celebrated.


Tags: Portugal