Goulburn Helps Vinnies Winter Sleep-Out (Australia)

by | Jul 3, 2018 | News

Some 731,000 children in Australia are reported to be below the poverty line and on any given night, 116,000 people are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

The statistics, shared by St. Vincent de Paul Goulburn treasurer, Bob Thurling, were a confronting opening to the organization’s Winter Sleep-Out held on Friday night.

Some 80 students from Trinity Catholic College, St. Joseph’s Primary, Sts. Peter and Paul Primary and St. Mary’s Primary School and Crookwell took part in the event.

The roaring fire and warm soup on offer were in stark contrast to the minus five temperature predicted outside. But during the night students did 40-minute stints outside and took part in interactive activities highlighting what it meant to be homeless. They also talked about solutions.

Trinity Catholic College teacher, Tim Matthews, said the school had been taking part in the event for five years. This year they decided to broaden participation.

“It’s about education, awareness and raising money for St. Vincent de Paul,” he said.

Click here to read the whole article.

Source: SVdP Frederic’s E-Gazette 6-28-2018