SSVP’s Official Statement to Support Life

by | May 7, 2018 | News, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

May is the month we celebrate Mary and Mother’s Day, so the International General Council presents a clear statement about the right to life and the leading role of women.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) is committed to defending life and the family! We are a Christian organization that defends the sacredness of life and the values from the Gospel, acting in the five continents in a continuous battle against all forms of poverty.

We have seen, with sadness, groups supporting the legalization of abortion around the world. We follow the guidance of the Holy Mother Church and we are faithful to the words of dear Pope Francis: “I want to emphasize, with all my strength, that abortion is a grave sin, because it puts an end to an innocent human life. However, with the same strength, I can and must say that there is no sin the mercy of God cannot reach and destroy, where there is a repentant heart.”

We ratify our position of defense, not only as our Christian duty, but, above all, as an attitude for the sacredness of human life. We defend life in all its moments and difficulties. We condemn all arguments, threats and mechanisms against life! We won’t build a just society with peace and prosperity if we admit the right to kill human beings, especially the most defenseless and innocent ones.

It has not been and it will never be a cause that we can defend, support, accept or tolerate. We still believe that there is neither coherence nor rationality in this way of thinking. Nobody, including nations, government systems, and non-religious activist groups, can deny the right to life to other human beings.

As Vincentians, we are eternal and persistent advocates of life! This is a task that cannot be rejected as a civil association of Christians, dedicated and committed to the Kingdom of God.

Our mission is to promote the dignity of every human being. It means, above all, recognizing the inviolable right to life, from fertilization to natural death.

On behalf of the international board,

Renato Lima de Oliveira
General President

