Going up to heaven, Jesus entrusts gifts and talents to his disciples. He expects them to be faithful, no matter the kind or the amount of the gifts or talents they receive.
In the parable of the talents, the good and faithful servants are those who right away trade with their talents. They double the amount their master has entrusted to them.
Wicked and lazy, on the other hand, is the servant who hides his talent in a hole in the ground. No, he does not do anything bad. That is to say, he ends up receiving condemnation for a sin of omission.
And Jesus could possibly condemn us also for our sins of omission. That is because we could easily end up putting our own security ahead of the kingdom of God. Does our righteousness really surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees? Perhaps our search for the righteousness of God consists in no more than strict religious observance.
And we who have become today’s scribes and Pharisees also regard others as less important than ourselves. Moreover, we believe we have more merits before God because we fulfill our religious duties. We, then, settle for this, believing it is enough for us to attain our own salvation. Consequently, the salvation of sinners, of the Gentiles, of the simple people is of no interest to us any longer. And we exclude them besides.
But it is not enough for the faithful disciples to attain their own salvation, if their neighbors do not attain it. No, it is not enough for them to love God, if their neighbors do not love him (cf. SV.EN XII:215). The faithful followers of Jesus are about furthering the kingdom of God more than their own possessions (SV.EN III:527). Far from being lazy, they do what the diligent and caring wife does. And they stay alert and sober. They also put the growth of the Kingdom ahead of their own interests.
Lord Jesus, you call us to your service and to table of your bread and word. Make us faithful stewards of your many gifts for the sake of our brothers and sisters. And let us share your everlasting joy.
19 November 2017
33rd Sunday in O.T (A)
Prov 31, 10.13. 19-20. 30-31; 1 Thes 5, 1-6; Mt 25, 14-30