This is the first of a series of formation packages meant for individual or group study based upon “The Prophetic Dimension of the Vincentian Charism in light of the Social Doctrine of the Church” by Sr. María Pilar López.
I have often heard the phrase “a prophet without honor in his own country.” After some 60 years of formal association with the followers of Vincent I must admit to a variation. It is not so much that I did not honor Vincent. It is more that I did not realize until recently the depth of his impact on the church of today.
In the eight part series we are beginning today, we will be blessed with the research of Sister María Pilar López, DC. She explores the Prophetic Dimension of the Vincentian Charism in the light of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Her treatment of St. Vincent regarding the dignity of the person, justice, the management of material goods, solidarity and human promotion will stimulate Vincentian visions and dreams.
These reflections grew out of a two and a half day workshop which left participants complaining that they wished she would continue in greater depth. Can you recall such an experience at the end of a workshop you attended?
For a number of years I lived with a confrere, Charlie Plock, whose ministry is translating the amazing research about Vincent and Louise that is flowing in Spanish-speaking circles. The .famvin project recently completed a 10 part series by Father Corpus Delgado that unpacked many dimensions of Vincent that I knew but never really made explicit.
We are excited to bring such materials to the French and English-speaking world — previously only available in Spanish — materials which flow from the heart of Vincent and in a form that makes ongoing formation for the family accessible.
- How would I rate my knowledge and understanding of Vincent?
- Am I open to enriching that understanding with research deeply rooted in the words of Vincent?
See you next week!
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