Difficult words about mercy

Difficult words about mercy

As religious communities struggle to make sense of violence and killings at home and abroad, clergy members deliver difficult words about mercy and ‘the holiness of all.’ Many famvin visitors, especially among the Ladies of Charity USA, recognize Fr. Richard Gielow,...
St. Justin de Jacobis: The Art of Dialogue

St. Justin de Jacobis: The Art of Dialogue

Father Robert Maloney, C.M., writes: More than a century before the word “inculturation” became popular, Justin [St. Justin de Jacobis] was a master of the art. He said to his listeners: “…if anyone should question you: ‘Who is this stranger?’, answer: ‘He is a...
WYD: a Welcome Ceremony with a Vincentian taste!

WYD: a Welcome Ceremony with a Vincentian taste!

Yesterday, hundreds of thousands of young people warmly received Pope Francis to the World Youth Day, in a ceremony that took place in Błonia, a huge park located in the city center of Krakow; Pope Francis put aside the “popemobile” and preferred to take...