Plunge into Service @SJUMission #IamVincent

by | Jun 15, 2016 | Formation, Reflections


Sister Patricia Evanick DC, Campus Minister at St. John’s says, “Take the Plunge!”

“We know that affliction makes for endurance, and endurance for tested virtue, and tested virtue for hope. And this hope will not leave us disappointed, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit…” (Romans 5:3-5)

As Vincentians, we draw close to Christ so that it is no longer we who love, but Christ who loves through us. Vincentian is a vocation for every moment of our lives, and it calls us to be more sensitive and caring all around seeing and meeting Christ is each person we come in contact with especially those living in poverty.

What did you do for Spring Break 2016?

26 Young Vincentians took the PLUNGE!

St John’s Plunge Program emphasizes community building, prayer and apostolic reflection, living simply, and serving together with people living in poverty. 26 students made trips to Los Angeles, CA, Denver, CO, and Greensboro, NC with Campus Ministry. In Los Angeles, 10 students stayed for one week at the St. Vincent de Paul Society in the Skid Row section of the city. They partnered with Daughters of Charity and St. Vincent’s Meals on Wheels to care for the hungry. Eleven students in the Denver group stayed at Casa Karibu, a hospitality house located in downtown Denver. In the south, five students resided in St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Greensboro for the week with our Vincentian Priests.

Our Vincentians served in a variety of places, Meals on Wheels, Midnight Mission, St Vincent de Paul Society, LA Catholic Worker, Maryvale Residence for Children in Los Angeles.

In Denver, Food Bank of the Rockies, Annunciation School, St Francis Center, The Gathering Place, Metro Caring, EarthLinks, S.A.M.E. Café, Restore Habitat for Humanity, DenUM- Denver Urban Ministries were some of the sites of service.

In North Carolina the students served in Child Care, a soup Kitchen, Nursing Home and Parish Home visits while running a Lenten all night Retreat for the youth of St Mary’s Parish.

Focusing on our Vincentian Virtues, Simplicity, Humility, Gentleness, Selflessness and Zeal throughout the week helped keep us grounded. We challenged each other to stay in the present moment and lean on each other. We tried to put our needs and wants aside and asked God to put others needs in our sight. Our prayers for all those we met with during our week of service, for all those homeless we witnessed for all the people we met who have so little and are smiling and thanking God for what they do have. These moments gave us new perspective, to be present and thankful for all we have.

“We built a community of our own by joining another. We had both shared and individual experiences that we reflected upon to grow personally, as a group, and in faith.”
Anarita Lynch ’17

“I think the best way to describe my experience in Denver is life changing. I came into the week knowing that I was meant to be there, and as I journeyed through with the team, I came to realize and appreciate our purpose there. We were meant to support each other, laugh together, and serve those in need, with St. Vincent de Paul as our guide. I can’t imagine the conclusion of my senior year without this experience, and I feel so blessed that I was able to anticipate it, live it, and now smile thinking about it. “
Marissa Ruotolo ’16

“Denver taught me a great many important lessons. It provided me with the opportunity to experience firsthand the challenges and rewards of living simplistically and communally in the name of service. Through this Plunge, my perspective on the homelessness epidemic was utterly transformed by personal connections and reflection. My appreciation for the gift of my life, and genuine concern for the lives of others, was profoundly affected in ways I won’t soon forget.  Denver was incredible, and a beautiful reminder that our worldly differences do not separate us as much as we may think.”
Jennie Lynn Martino ’19

“The North Carolina Plunge opened my eyes to the diversity of the Catholic Faith. Catholic means universal and the plunge was a great testament to that meaning. It helped me understand more fully how people of all ages and cultures can join together through common connection of faith and love and service.” Rose Haslbauer ’18

“I could not believe how many homeless people I saw on the streets, they were living in tents and there was garbage everywhere. I was serving them food, and hearing their stories and seeing their resilience, I saw Jesus’ face in everyone.’ Celeste Najera ’18

So, where did we see God? This spring break in Denver, LA and North Carolina we saw God in each other and in those we worked with and met each day. We are grateful for this opportunity to grow in our faith and in our Vincentian charism, we will be forever changed by this experience. Thank you Denver, LA and North Carolina you have taught us well and you are in our hearts and prayers!

“Continue to serve our dear masters with great gentleness, respect and cordiality, always seeing God in them.” St Louise de Marillac

“God makes use of the humblest instruments for the extraordinary operation of His grace.”
St Vincent de Paul

#IamVincent when I take the plunge!

Sister Patricia Evanick DC
Campus Minister for Vincentian Service