April 23: Foundation of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

by | Apr 22, 2016 | Formation

svdp-april-23-facebookTomorrow, April 23, is the anniversary of the founding of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in 1833 by Blessed Frederic Ozanam and his companions. As you celebrate this occasion, make use of the following resources from our sister site VinFormation— they can be used by:

  • Home visitors & other volunteers on the front lines
  • Conference presidents/spiritual advisors
  • Those running retreats or gatherings
  • Anyone curious about our spirituality, who we are and what we do



Share these resources with others who may be interested!



Video : « Allons-nous rester inertes dans un monde qui souffre ? »

Video : « Allons-nous rester inertes dans un monde qui souffre ? »

The Roots of Ozanam’s Passion for Charity & Justice

The Roots of Ozanam’s Passion for Charity & Justice

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul Video

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Interview with Sheila Gilbert, President of SVDP USA

Interview with Sheila Gilbert, President of SVDP USA

In Their Own Words – Those Helped By St. Vincent de Paul Society

In Their Own Words – Those Helped By St. Vincent de Paul Society

Michael Thio On The Legacy of Frederic Ozanam

Michael Thio On The Legacy of Frederic Ozanam

Ozanam – Pioneer of Catholic Social Teaching

Ozanam – Pioneer of Catholic Social Teaching

Ozanam: Faith, Charity, and the Face of Christ

Ozanam: Faith, Charity, and the Face of Christ

Transforming Lives: More Stories of the Homeless and Working Poor

Transforming Lives: More Stories of the Homeless and Working Poor

Frederic Ozanam and the Origins of the SSVDP

Frederic Ozanam and the Origins of the SSVDP

SVDP Society Volunteers Tell Their Stories

SVDP Society Volunteers Tell Their Stories


Frederic Ozanam and Collaboration

Frederic Ozanam and Collaboration

Frédéric Ozanam et la collaboration

Frédéric Ozanam et la collaboration

The Action-Proven Spirituality of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Peru

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The Rule of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The Rule of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

What Is Vincentian Spirituality?

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SVDP – How Are We Organized?

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SVDP – What is Our History?

SVDP – What is Our History?

SVDP – Who We Are and What We Do

SVDP – Who We Are and What We Do

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Celebrating Saint Vincent and Saint Louise with Poor People

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Ocoa Dominican Republic: Systemic Change Example

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Collaboration (both within and outside the Society)

Vincentian Collaboration: Tips and Practical Examples

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Vincentian Prayers & Reflections

Home Visit Prayers

Home Visit Prayers

Vincentian Weekly Reflections from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Vincentian Weekly Reflections from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Frédéric Ozanam Mural: Tribute to German Priest-Painter Sieger Köder

Frédéric Ozanam Mural: Tribute to German Priest-Painter Sieger Köder

Reflections on Evangelization, for Lay Vincentian Volunteers

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Prayer for Vincentians about to Engage in Systemic Change

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Voice of the Poor Prayer

Voice of the Poor Prayer

5 Reflections On Our Ministry As Vincentians

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Vincentian Spirituality and Sacred Scripture

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Meditation On a Recent Home Visit

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Prayers For a Life of Service

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Prayer Before Home Visit

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St. Vincent de Paul Society Prayer

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St. Vincent de Paul Society and Other Vincentian Prayers

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SVDP Saints and Blesseds

Blessed Rosalie Rendu: A Daughter of Charity with a heart on fire

Blessed Rosalie Rendu: A Daughter of Charity with a heart on fire

Blessed Rosalie Rendu Printable 2-Page Handout

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Sr. Rosalie Rendu: A Daughter of Charity With a Heart on Fire

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SVDP Jeopardy Game (requires Adobe Flash)

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Jeopardy: SVDP Edition
