6 seminarians killed in Nigeria

by | Feb 22, 2016 | Congregation of the Mission, News | 16 comments

The Provincial Secretary, Nigeria wrote to the Superior General with the sad news that six seminarians were killed in Nigeria.

Dear Fr. Gregory,

Greetings of love and peace from Enugu. I write on behalf of my Visitor- Fr. Cyril Mbata, CM to inform you of the SUDDEN DEATH of six of our Seminarians this morning. All six were Philosophy students. They were on their way to Enugu for an encounter with the Theology students, a usual holiday program for our scholastics.

It’s sad to say that it occurred less than 20 minutes to the Community House. Their remains have been deposited in the mortuary. The Names of the students are:


At the moment, 10 are receiving treatment in the hospital and are doing well. The report we got had it that one of the back tyres got burst and the car somersaulted severally.

Fraternally yours in St. Vincent,
Joachin U. Nwaorgu, CM
Provincial Secretary
CC: Fr. Turati Giuseppe, Secretary General

P.O. BOX 3356, ENUGU

Dear Joaquin,

Thank you for this very, very sad news. May these young men rest in peace. My prayers for their families and the CM. I will also keep the other young men who are recovering in my prayers.

Fr. Gregory

Tags: Nigeria


  1. Ignatius Suparno, CM

    May I express my deep sympathy and offer my prayers to the province and families for the loss of our young vincentians. May these young vincentian rest in heavenly peace. Ignatius Suparno, CM (Indonesian Province)

  2. Sr. Maggie Scally DC

    My prayers and sympathy are with the Nigerian seminarians and their families. May they rest in the peace of Christ. Prayers continue for the recovering men as they process the loss of their confreres in this tragedy.

  3. Ogbonna sos

    My heart is ladden with grief, what a gigantic loss.

    Ogbonna S.O.S

  4. Sr. Louise

    Praying for you all and for the eternal rest of these young men who wanted to serve the Lord in religious life. May God be your strength and Mary Mother of Consolation be close to you.Praying that those injured will be restored quickly to full health.
    In Him. Sr. M. Louise, Disciples of the Divine Master, IRELAND.

  5. Kathryn

    This is very sad news. May they rest in peace and may Mary and Jesus comfort their fellow seminarians in this time of loss.

  6. Fr Bong CM

    Our prayers for your community snd their families during this time of grief. Eternal rest grant unto these brothers of ours.

  7. Uche

    It is really a sad news. May the souls of these young seminarians rest in the bossom of the Lord. My condolences to the entire Vincentian community.

  8. Anen

    My condolences to my fellow Vincentian seminarians in Nigeria. I pray for their respective families for the sudden loss of their sons whom they offered to God to serve the poor. Their burning hearts for love and service of our marginalized people will always be alive and burning in our hearts as well. May you all rest in peace.

  9. Sr. Mary Louise Stubbs, DC

    Our prayers and condolences to the families and the Community of these wonderful young men. It is a great loss for those left behind. May God grant them peace as they continue in communion with us from heaven.

  10. Sister Sung Hae Kim, SC

    All of you are in our prayers during this difficult time. May the merciful Lord of life and death console you and the families of these young men. We also pray for the quick recovery of those who were injured. Lenten peace,
    Sister Sung Hae Kim, General Superior and all the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill

  11. Sr, Rosanne Tanzola

    So sad. My prayers for all who mourn their deaths.

  12. Chukwuemeka Vincent Ndubisi

    May God almighty show the souls of these young, departed Vincentians merciful judgement. My prayers and thoughts go out to their families, confrères, and all bereaved by this accident. To the ones at the hospital, may God bless them with quick recovery.

  13. Sembi's family

    From Buea St Andrew parish Muea, lead by Vincencian it is difficult but as Fr Divine the parish priest said, let us pray for the repose of their souls, and that the Lord Himselft console the families and wipe their tears.
    The Lord has given, the Lord has taken, glory be his Name.
    Sembi’s family and the entire francophone and parish community

  14. NG~mi


  15. Nkiruka

    Speechless… RIP

  16. Unegbu Chinonso Casmir

    May the name of the Lord be blessed both now and forevermore. Grace, mercy and strength for continuation to all who are alive. And eternal rest for our loving departed brothers. Eternal rest grant to them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine on them. Amen.