Third Day of the Vincentian Family Convocation: A Day of Faith, Reflection, and Commitment to Solidarity

by | Nov 16, 2024 | Famvin 2024, News

The third day of the Vincentian Family Gathering, held on November 16, was marked by moments of deep spirituality, reflection, and commitment to the causes that are at the heart of the Vincentian charism. Below, we detail the highlights of this day, which was experienced with great intensity by all the participants.

Famvin2024 Day 3 Eucharist

Starting the Day with an Inspiring Eucharist

At 8:45 a.m., the day began with a solemn Eucharistic celebration of the Memorial of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.  Fr. Joseph Agostino, CM presided, accompanied by members of the Vincentian Family Office Team, Fr. Guillermo Campuzano, CM and Sr. Ellen Marie Hagar, DC. The liturgy brought everyone together in an atmosphere of reverence and prayer. The Mass was accompanied by the musical group Gen Verde, whose songs added a special touch of joy and devotion to the celebration.

During the homily, profound reflections were shared that resonated with Vincentian ideals. Key ideas included:

  1. Jesus acts through us, turning us into vehicles of His infinite love. We are called to be instruments of His kindness and compassion in the world.
  2. Our mission is to go wherever the Lord calls us, so that His grace reaches every corner of the planet and touches the lives of all those in need, regardless of their background or situation.
  3. God’s grace manifests in unexpected ways and is freely given to those with an open and willing heart.
  4. The Vincentian Charism has flourished for over 400 years, blessing men and women of all races and creeds who, inspired by St. Vincent de Paul, have dedicated their lives to serving the less fortunate.
  5. By following the example of Mary, we are called to speak from the heart and trust fully in the love of Jesus, knowing that our role is to be witnesses and messengers of His mercy.

These reflections not only invited personal meditation but also strengthened the commitment of all members of the Vincentian Family to continue their work in favor of the most vulnerable.

A Glimpse into the Global Work of the Vincentian Family

After the Eucharist, participants enjoyed a brief coffee break, allowing them to connect with fellow attendees. Following this, a video presentation entitled “Charity Alive: The Many Faces of the Vincentian Charism in the World” offered a panoramic view of the extensive work carried out by the Vincentian Family around the world.

The 50-minute video, which will soon be shared on FAMVIN‘s official channels, showcased just a fraction of the commitment and effort dedicated to various solidarity initiatives. From programs assisting the homeless to community development projects, the Vincentian Family has become a beacon of hope in numerous underserved communities across the globe.

Famvin2024 Day 3 FHA

Natalie Monteza: The FAMVIN Homeless Alliance

One of the most anticipated moments of the day was the presentation by Natalie Monteza, who provided an overview of the impact of the FAMVIN Homeless Alliance in recent years, as well as the exciting projects on the horizon. Natalie, with her extensive experience in international cooperation and human rights advocacy, has devoted her life to serving the most vulnerable.

A Brief Biography of Natalie Monteza

Natalie Monteza has been a committed Vincentian since her early years, having grown up at the Colegio San Vicente de Paul in Panama. Her professional journey began in 2004 with the International Association of Charities (AIC), where she led the Projects Capacity-Building Service, supporting volunteers in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. From 2009 to 2015, she served as Secretary General of this branch of the Vincentian Family and was part of the Vincentian Family Collaboration Commission (VFCC), promoting collaborative action programs in Spanish-speaking countries.

With a strong academic background in International Relations from Brown University (USA) and a Master’s degree in Public Policy from Universidad Rafael Landívar (Guatemala), Natalie has worked with various non-governmental organizations and international charity networks such as Caritas Internationalis and CIDSE. Her work has focused on defending human rights, particularly those of women and girls, and managing sustainable development projects.

Main points of Natalie’s speech

  1. Creation of FHA: The Famvin Homeless Alliance (FHA) was established in 2017 as a collective action to revitalize the Vincentian charism on its 400th anniversary, coordinated by Depaul International.
  2. Global homelessness issue: Currently, 1.6 billion people around the world are homeless, calling for global attention and action to ensure a dignified life for everyone.
  3. Impact at the UN: Since 2019, the FHA has collaborated with the UN and other NGOs, resulting in the adoption of the first UN resolution addressing homelessness in 2020, encouraging member states to assess and tackle the issue.
  4. SDG Indicators: The next goal of the FHA is to include homelessness as a sub-indicator under Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11.1, to measure and improve access to adequate housing.
  5. International Conferences: The FHA has organized conferences on homelessness in 2018 (Rome), 2022 (Seville), and plans one for 2024 (Manila), each addressing different aspects of homelessness, such as street homelessness, refugees, and slum dwellers.
  6. Learning and collaboration: These conferences have brought together around 300 people from 30 countries, strengthening collaboration among Vincentian branches and sharing insights on better serving the disadvantaged.
  7. Advocacy Toolkit: As a result of the Seville conference, an Advocacy Toolkit was developed, soon to be available in multiple languages, to guide the work of Vincentian branches.
  8. 13 Houses Campaign: Launched in 2018, this campaign aims to transform the lives of at least 10,000 homeless individuals by providing housing and promoting systemic change to break the cycle of poverty.
  9. Results of the 13 Houses Campaign: To date, 110 projects have been implemented in 70 countries, benefiting 10,318 people through the collaboration of 30 Vincentian branches.
  10. Emergency response: The Vincentian Family, including the FamVin Homeless Alliance, has provided support to homeless individuals during crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the Beirut explosion, the Tigray war, Typhoon Odette in the Philippines, and the war in Ukraine.
  11. Future expansion: The FHA plans to expand the 13 Houses Campaign to 90 additional countries, continuing to transform lives and promote anti-homelessness policies worldwide.
  12. Project for the 2025 Jubilee: The FHA proposes projects in 13 countries during the Church’s Jubilee Year, with the support of Pope Francis, who will bless 13 symbolic keys representing hope and charity for the homeless.
  13. Inspiring stories: Testimonials from beneficiaries like Sean in Ireland, Ana in Romania, and Fatimata in Burkina Faso highlight how Vincentian projects have transformed their lives by providing safe homes and renewed hope.
  14. Call for collaboration: The FHA invites more people and organizations, both within and outside the Church, to join the Vincentian mission to continue positively impacting the lives of those living in extreme poverty.
  15. Message of hope: The Vincentian spirit drives the mission to serve the most in need, reminding us that even in the most challenging situations, there is hope and opportunities to change lives.

Reflection and Small Group Discussions

The morning session concluded with a general reflection on the presentations, followed by a time of dialogue in small groups. Participants had the opportunity to share their insights and experiences, enriching the collective understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the Vincentian Family in its mission.

Famvin2024 Day 3 Afternoon Sessions

Afternoon Sessions: Thematic Group Meetings

The afternoon was dedicated to thematic meetings, which took place from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Six discussion groups were organized, focusing on topics of great relevance to the Vincentian mission:

  1. The Cry of the Poor: Reflecting on the urgent needs of the most disadvantaged and how to respond to them through the Vincentian charism.
  2. We Are Vincentians: Exploring the shared identity and mission of all members of the Vincentian Family.
  3. National and Regional Councils: Strengthening collaboration and coordination between the various branches and levels of the Vincentian Family.
  4. Creating a Culture of Vocations: Seeking strategies to foster new vocations within the Vincentian Family, especially among the youth.
  5. Where Are Young Adults in the Vincentian Family?: Addressing the inclusion and active participation of young people in the Vincentian mission.
  6. The Vincentian Family Movement at the United Nations: Analyzing the impact and advocacy of the Vincentian Family at the international level, particularly in the context of the UN.

In the coming days, further details about the conclusions and commitments from these groups will be shared.

A Grand Finale: Gen Verde’s Concert

The day concluded on a high note with a concert by Gen Verde at the Ghione Theater, starting at 8:00 p.m. The group, known for its cultural diversity and message of hope, delivered a performance full of energy and spirituality that deeply moved all attendees.

Gen Verde, composed of women from various nationalities, has been using music as a means to promote dialogue, peace, and unity for over 50 years. With a repertoire that blends pop, rock, and international rhythms, their mission is to be a living testimony of the Gospel through art.

The concert climaxed with a Rite of Recommitment woven into the song which Gen Verde wrote for the Vincentian Family, “On Holy Ground.”  Led by Ms. Eugenia Ortiz and Mr. Mark Choonara, the participants recommitted themselves to the Gospel Call they have received.  And as they return home tomorrow, they promised to strive for justice and peace among all peoples and across the land, and to respect the dignity of every human person as they care for their common home.

Father Joe Agostino’s Words of Gratitude

At the conclusion of an inspiring Gen Verde concert, Father Joe Agostino shared heartfelt words of thanks, reflecting on the spirit of collaboration, commitment, and hope that define the Vincentian Family.

St. Vincent de Paul once said: “Truly … one must confess that God is working wonders in you!” [CCD 466]

Words fail to express my gratitude to God and to you for your commitment to the revitalization of the Vincentian Charism in the context of the spirit of the Synodal Church.

I am going to thank groups of people so that everyone knows that they are special – and so that I do not fail to recognize anyone, which would be a horrible thing to do.

So, please join me in praising God and thanking the following for their priceless generosity:

– All those, from around the globe, who participated in the local Synodal dialogues which prepared the agenda for this gathering in 2023

– The Vincentian Family Executive Board, the Team of the Vincentian Family Office, and the members of our Communications Commission

– The team from Skyline, the members of the Preparatory Committee, both those who are here and those who could not come, our eloquent Facilitators, and all the coordinators of our afternoon sessions

– Our translators – both in our booths and in our afternoon sessions

– All those who presented to us in person, or via video; as well as all those who ministered to us in our liturgies and prayers

– And all of you who will keep the fire of our Vincentian Charism burning brightly as you return home to continue the work we have begun so well here.

We take back with us the Spirit that echoed in our communal sharing, in our celebrations, and in our new commitments made on behalf of those who struggle as together we make hope, joy, and justice resilient in our Church and our world.

As we prepare to leave, we also know that the work of these Vincentian Synodal moments has only just begun.  You will be hearing from the Vincentian Family Office, not only with the fruits of our dialogue, but also with a plan for next steps which we hope will begin early in 2025.

And remember, wherever you are, please keep this dialogue going.

For the Vincentian Family to continue to respond to the work of the Spirit, we need to commit to:

– Praying together as a Family, awakening the collective conscience of our humanity.

– Collaborating with and for those we serve, witnessing here and now to the Kingdom of God.

– Participating in our communal mission, transforming our world through continued dialogue and concrete plans of action.

Allow me to conclude with a word from St. Vincent.   He said: “Since gratitude for so many kindnesses is beyond our power, I beg Our Lord to be Himself both your thanks and your reward.”

Looking Forward to the Encounter with the Holy Father

With hearts filled with gratitude and enthusiasm, participants are eagerly looking forward to tomorrow’s highly anticipated meeting with Pope Francis, as part of the World Day of the Poor. This special moment will be an opportunity to renew the Vincentian Family’s commitment to being, like St. Vincent de Paul, witnesses of God’s love for the poor and marginalized.

This day has undoubtedly been a manifestation of faith, community, and hope. The Vincentian Family continues to demonstrate that, with the power of solidarity and the Vincentian charism, it is possible to transform lives and build a more just and fraternal world.

Let us continue in this shared mission of love and service, with our eyes fixed on the most vulnerable!