The Heart of a Vincentian 10 #famvin2024

by | Nov 2, 2024 | Famvin 2024, News

Interview with Sister M. Katharina Mock, Superioress General of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in Paderborn, Germany.

1. What motivates you to attend the November 2024 meeting? And why would you recommend participating?

I attended the first Famvin meeting in 2017 and was impressed by how many people worldwide are on the path in the charism of St. Vincent. For me, the 2017 meeting was like arriving in a big family. The exchange with Vincentians from all over the world has given me strength and courage for my own life in the spirit of St. Vincent. St. Vincent was a great networker. The Famvin meeting offers a good opportunity to form new networks or expand existing ones. I therefore highly recommend attending.

2. Why is it important to walk together as a Vincentian Family?

There is an African proverb that goes:  “Many small people in many small places doing many small things can change the face of the world.” At the last meeting in 2017, I realized how much potential there is if we as the Vincentian Family know about each other, pray for each other and work together where possible.

3. If you think of the word synodality, what image comes to your mind?

When I hear the word synodality, the Gospel story about the miraculous multiplication of the loaves comes to mind. There Jesus himself gave us an example of what can we achieve by sharing. I am also thinking of the institution of the Eucharist. Jesus himself distributes himself to people in order to lead us to a life in abundance.

This post is part of a series. “The Heart of a Vincentian – Coming Soon November 2024”

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